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PIXR protesters update demands, call for U. statement signed by Eisgruber

After over 100 hours of protest in front of Nassau Hall, Princeton Students for Title IX Reform (PIXR) updated their list of demands. Additionally, PIXR has called for a public statement from the University, signed by President Christopher Eisgruber ’83, “in order to demonstrate the University’s commitment to addressing students’ persistent suffering.”

NEWS | 05/12/2019


Day 2: U. Title IX office protesters left dissatisfied after U. response, send letter to administration

Over 70 students have gathered on the front lawn for the past two days to protest the Title IX’s office handling of sexual misconduct cases. This sit-in follows several months of protests and graffiti on campus that aim to demonstrate their misgivings against the Title IX process.

NEWS | 05/08/2019

Ban the Box teach-in

SPEAR holds walk out and teach-in at CPUC meeting

Fifteen minutes into the CPUC meeting, the crowd of students left Betts Auditorium and walked to an outdoor area in front of Frist Campus Center, where they listened to two speakers — Damion Stackhouse, a formerly incarcerated activist, and Dannelle Gutarra Cordero, a University writing program lecturer. Students and faculty alike joined in solidarity over the issue.

NEWS | 05/07/2019