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Brain death lecture

Professors ponder organ donation in cases of brain death

Months after a young California resident Jahi McMath was declared brain dead, she could clearly respond to instructions to move certain parts of her body. Cases like Jahi’s were the subject of a lecture yesterday which raised questions of what it really means to be dead, entitled “The Challenge to ‘Brain Death’: Are We Taking Organs from Living Human Beings, and If We Are, Does It Matter?” 

NEWS | 10/03/2019

Benenson Polls

Former Obama, Clinton pollster Joel Benenson talks campaign strategy

On Wednesday, at an event titled “What the Press and Pundits Get Wrong: Reading the Electorate,” Benenson discussed what he sees as common errors in political strategy and misinterpretations of polling data. The award-winning Democratic pollster also discussed his past experience working with various high-profile political candidates.

NEWS | 10/03/2019


Judge rules in favor of Harvard in civil action alleging discrimination against Asian-American applicants

On Monday, Sept. 30, Judge Allison D. Burroughs of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts ruled in favor of Harvard University in a civil-action lawsuit filed by Students for Fair Admissions, a group which alleged that Harvard discriminated against Asian-American students in its admission process.

NEWS | 10/01/2019

Chris Murphy Tigerbook profile

Removal of Tigerbook photos not due to U. policy change

Student photos have been unavailable on Tigerbook since Sept. 30.  “The issue may be related to the transition of the College Facebooks to a new publishing platform,” Deputy University Spokesperson Michael Hotchkiss wrote in an email to the Daily Princetonian. “If Tigerbook’s developers reach out to the Office of Information Technology, staff there can talk with them about the issue and possible solutions.”

NEWS | 10/01/2019

Edmund White

Creative writing professor emeritus Edmund White receives 2019 Letters Medal

According to the National Book Foundation, Edmund White majored in Chinese at the University of Michigan before moving to New York City. There, he formed the Violet Quill, a casual club comprising himself as six other gay writers: Christopher Cox, Robert Ferro, Michael Grumley, Andrew Holleran, Felice Picano, and George Whitmore.

NEWS | 10/01/2019


Gutenberg exhibition features some of the world’s earliest datable books

The University Library recently opened a new exhibition in the Ellen and Leonard Milberg Gallery, titled “Gutenberg & After: Europe’s First Printers 1450–1470.” Curated by Scheide Librarian Paul Needham and Curator of Rare Books Eric White, it is the first exhibition to focus on this early period of European printing, featuring loaned items from the United Kingdom never before seen in the United States and items from U.S. collections displayed outside their home libraries for the first time.

NEWS | 09/26/2019