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Scudder Plaza during Fall Lawnparties (2019)

The art of socializing

The quarantine has taught us many, many things. Like working from home isn’t as cool as it seems. Or that Animal Crossing is apparently still a thing. It has also taught us that we are people that need each other. And that while this situation is far from ideal, the fact that we still have access to one another is something to be grateful for.

THE PROSPECT | 04/08/2020


Recipes for your social distancing needs

No matter what you make, stress-baking is a productive, easy, and joyful way to take care of yourself and your family members. Food Network Star Giada de Laurentiis says, “Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body; it's truly love.” I think that right now, we could all use a little extra nourishment, for our bodies and our souls. 

THE PROSPECT | 04/05/2020

“Ask the Sexpert” written on a light blue background. In the bottom left corner sits the yellow, red, and blue Peer Health Advisors logo. “The Prospect” is written on the bottom right.

Sexpert: Porn revelations

I just found out that my boyfriend prefers a certain type of porn a few months into our relationship. When we first started dating, I asked him and he lied to me repeatedly saying he has never watched porn. What he’s into isn’t bad, but it is different than what I was expecting. Is it a red flag that he lied to me when I asked the first few times?

THE PROSPECT | 03/04/2020