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Guest Contributions

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Princeton has a voting problem

Our “apolitical” campus seems to be bordering on apathetic. Although voting has never been more important, Princetonians are still lagging behind the rest of the country and even other universities in voter turnout. The 2020 elections are coming fast, and we should not — we cannot — stand behind the walls of the “bubble” while others decide our future for us. 

OPINION | 07/15/2020

East Pyne Arch

A denouncement of ‘A Declaration of Independence by a Princeton Professor’

We, the undersigned students and alumni of the Princeton Department of Classics and the Department of Linguistics, unequivocally denounce “A Declaration of Independence by a Princeton Professor,” written by Professor of Classics Joshua T. Katz. We condemn its demonization of student organizers, its belittling of faculty members in their support of anti-racism, and its flippant dismissal of efforts to combat systemic racism at Princeton while minimizing the very presence of that racism itself.

OPINION | 07/15/2020


Save Pink House: We need to create more affordable eating options instead of shutting them down

By closing Pink House and its food-share, the University is unfairly targeting lower income students who often cannot afford the high fees needed for an eating club or dining hall plan, and instead find a home in a food-share that teaches them how to be self-sufficient.

OPINION | 02/24/2020


Princeton has more than money invested in the fossil fuel industry

Last semester, Exxon Mobil graced the grounds of Princeton campus as part of the Fall HireTigers Career Fair. All the while, the college divestment movement is gathering steam. Georgetown, sometimes regarded as more conservative than many of its peers, divested. Almost 400 members of Harvard’s faculty issued a letter in support.

OPINION | 02/20/2020