Editorial: Yee for President; Vote no on the referendum
Daily Princetonian Editorial BoardAt noon today, voting opens in the Undergraduate Student Government’s Winter Elections and will last until noon on Wednesday, December 7.
At noon today, voting opens in the Undergraduate Student Government’s Winter Elections and will last until noon on Wednesday, December 7.
Continuing our analysis of the General Education Task Force’s recommendations, the Board will comment on the third recommendation proposing general education “tags” requiring students to take two distribution requirements with certain tags, one exploring international content and another on the intersections of culture, identity, and power.
As a continuation of our series on the Task Force on General Education’s November 14 report, the Board will comment on the second recommendation regarding the foreign language requirement.
In a continuation of a series responding to the November 14 report released by the Task Force on General Education, the Board will comment on the report’s fifth recommendation: calendar reform.
As of Thursday, 1,931 Princeton applicants received their acceptance letters and can officially be called “prefrosh.” The tables have turned, as the University must now convince these prefrosh to choose Princeton.