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The Daily Princetonian

Back to back: on Woodrow Wilson

We owe nothing to people who are deeply flawed. With this statement in mind, we, the Black Justice League, chose to start a discussion on campus that administrators and students alike have skirted around, a discussion about the presence of legacies on our campus and the glorification of prominent and problematic individuals.

OPINION | 10/20/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Wanted: Speaker of the House

The House Republican Conference, by its own admission, is now in a state of ungovernable chaos. As Republican Peter King recently said on the record, “We look absolutely crazy.” Whereas 15 Republicans are currently running for President, the job listing for Speaker of the House may as well as be posted on Craigslist.

OPINION | 10/13/2015

The Daily Princetonian

What to do with the Endowment?

So, what is one to do with the fantastic earnings on the endowment? Last week, PRINCO released its annual report, sparking debate in the Princeton City Council about larger returns to the community, according to the Princeton Packet. But I actually agree with the University that the amount it contributes to the town is already enough.

OPINION | 10/12/2015