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The Daily Princetonian

We all matter

In the weeks leading up to midterms and during the week of midterms itself, I found myself burdened with more than the small abyss of books and papers consuming my desk.

OPINION | 11/10/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Surviving midterms

As you’re reading these lines, other students are celebrating the survival of midterms week. You have solved equations, discussed complicated theories, held conversations in foreign languages and lived to tell the tale.

OPINION | 10/29/2015

The Daily Princetonian

We Speak survey results: A fuller picture

A Sept. 29articlein The Daily Princetonianon “We Speak: Attitudes on Sexual Misconduct at Princeton University” survey results began by stating, “1 in 3 undergraduate women have experienced inappropriate sexual behavior at U.” The University’s own story on these results led with: “a sizeable majority [of students] knows where to go on campus for help following an incident of nonconsensual sexual contact.” The community’s response to the survey results has been disappointingly muted, perhaps because no one was surprised by the appalling facts the data exposed.

OPINION | 10/27/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Extending the P/D/F deadline

The Pass/D/Fail option is available for students between the beginning of the seventh and the end of the ninth week of classes. Commonly referred to as P/D/F, this option is designed to encourage students to explore disciplines that they have little prior knowledge of without fear of negatively impacting their GPA.

OPINION | 10/21/2015

The Daily Princetonian

Back to back: on Woodrow Wilson

We owe nothing to people who are deeply flawed. With this statement in mind, we, the Black Justice League, chose to start a discussion on campus that administrators and students alike have skirted around, a discussion about the presence of legacies on our campus and the glorification of prominent and problematic individuals.

OPINION | 10/20/2015