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Meet me halfway

Even at an institution that offers so much to its students, it can be tempting to find fault where very little exists. This isn’t to say that Princeton is without shortcomings, but the location of the Fields Center simply isn’t one of them.

OPINION | 11/15/2018


Gravissima latina est, and why you should know what that means

If I have the time or if the inquirer is genuinely interested, I will give my spiel for the weight of classics. In fact, I believe that Latin or Greek should be a mandatory element of the high school or college education, regardless of career plans. The education system would benefit from a mandatory requirement of — or at least a greater emphasis on — the classical study.

OPINION | 11/15/2018


A better Birthright

With this in mind, how can we make Birthright a program that properly connects Jewish youth with Israel, including its politics? We can start by calling for the University’s Birthright trip to have a Palestinian speaker, specifically someone from Area C of the West Bank, which is the region under complete Israeli control, and can speak to the realities of military occupation.

OPINION | 11/15/2018