What it means to live in Wilson
Julia ChaffersAnd herein lies the problem. The pervasiveness of Wilson’s legacy on campus forces me to associate myself with a legacy I wholeheartedly reject.
And herein lies the problem. The pervasiveness of Wilson’s legacy on campus forces me to associate myself with a legacy I wholeheartedly reject.
Stay informed and fight back. Not only can the ‘Prince’ provide a significant source of campus-wide community, but it has tremendous potential to become a critical rallying point for campus activism. So if you’re reading this, it’s not too late: go tell your friends to read the ‘Prince.’
University departments should make an effort to offer more 100-minute classes that occur once a week. Currently, a vast amount of courses are 50 minutes twice a week with a precept component as well. Making this change will give students more options for how to schedule their weeks and more time to engage with course material.
So the mission I pose for myself — and maybe for you — is to reach out to anyone who’s home and meet up. Reconnect even with the people you feel it’s been too long to reach out to.
As we plan out our second semester schedules, I’ve noticed a prevalent phenomenon: Students value the difficulty (or lack thereof) of a potential class more than their actual interest in the class.
I believe that The Daily Princetonian Editorial Board is remiss in choosing to not take a stance on these issues, even if they choose not to endorse a candidate. It is still of incredible importance for the student body to vote in this year’s USG presidential election.
Look around at schools across the country of all sizes and missions, and you will see that almost without exception, football is a public social experience that brings the entire community together around a common cause, an important feature of a school’s character in a way that no other sport is. That’s why we began celebrating this victory against our rivals so ostentatiously, and that’s why we still do. We should continue to celebrate it in exactly that unique way.
As long as this kind of behavior is tolerated, the problem will continue. It’s been four years since the Rice case, but players keep making the same decisions. And so does the NFL.
Why does our highest sports tradition only honor football? One only need look at just how white football as an institution can be against a backdrop of Princeton’s own historic racism.
Who knows though, maybe it’s too soon to say goodbye—that sign in my courtyard is pretty small. Plus, we already caught one wedding party sneaking into our courtyard yesterday.
As a result of the increase in women in 2018, a sizeable new political cohort has emerged, and these women will enter as canvassers, donors, and campaign volunteers.
The majority — if not all — Princeton students are used to flourishing in a scholastic setting. Thus, when we first receive grades or feedback lower than expected, it can be both a bit of a shock and an opportunity to reevaluate priorities.
Acceptance into, along with subsequent graduation from, an Ivy League school does not automatically make someone moral. It certainly doesn’t justify behavior that is immoral. Regardless of Kavanaugh’s guilt or innocence, going to Yale is not a justification.
The University makes it easy for its students to expand their knowledge of different religions; it is up to us to take these opportunities. Now more than ever, it is vital for us to educate ourselves on others’ beliefs and denounce ignorance.
Students know what students want and more importantly what students need. We need to combine the ideas of the students with the funding and resources of the administration to effectively lessen the stress culture on campus.
We are privileged to attend a university that’s forced to actively make campus life safer and more secure, but not all students are going to face the same privilege.
This year, as he leads the league in three-point field goals made and stays in the top five for scoring, don’t let your attention stray from Kemba again. His legacy is not defined by flashes of brilliance, but rather a quiet and steady ascension to becoming the superstar he already is.
Just because you get a Goldman Sachs internship doesn’t mean you will be happy for the rest of your life —new problems will always arise.
The Tigertones may not be asking the girl if she wants to be kissed, but I am asking them to stop singing this song — now.
Let’s strive not to dismiss others based on identity, but rather to engage with their arguments.