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Hurricane Ida made clear that the Orange Bubble is not invincible. Now what?

“It’s easy to feel protected by the Orange Bubble. But if Hurricane Ida showed us anything, it is that the climate crisis is at our doorstep and time is a luxury we no longer have.”

“It’s easy to feel protected by the Orange Bubble. But if Hurricane Ida showed us anything, it is that the climate crisis is at our doorstep and time is a luxury we no longer have.”

OPINION | 09/05/2021

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Princeton isn’t fundamentally changing classics. It’s keeping it alive.

“With a more diverse set of students around the table, whether that diversity be in background or in subfield, the classics community will continue to thrive.”

“With a more diverse set of students around the table, whether that diversity be in background or in subfield, the classics community will continue to thrive.”

OPINION | 06/03/2021

Princeton Commencement 2021

Sitting with strangers: Community and closure for the Class of 2021

“As we venture into the world beyond Princeton, let us always remember the unbelievable strength and resilience of the community we’ve built together. And let us always remember how communities like this are made.”

“As we venture into the world beyond Princeton, let us always remember the unbelievable strength and resilience of the community we’ve built together. And let us always remember how communities like this are made.”

OPINION | 05/19/2021

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It’s not just a student debt crisis: America’s higher ed system is breaking professors too

“The College for All Act recognizes that restoring the quality of American public higher education means ensuring that America’s educators earn a living wage. Sadly, for the majority of college educators, that simply isn’t the case.”

“The College for All Act recognizes that restoring the quality of American public higher education means ensuring that America’s educators earn a living wage. Sadly, for the majority of college educators, that simply isn’t the case.”

OPINION | 05/06/2021


What local reparations programs must consider

“A reparations program is difficult to manage, but smaller scale projects can help individuals and hopefully be the first part of a broader movement of paying back for problems of the past. With proper understanding of the problems involved, we can continue to work towards economic and racial parity and justice in the future.”

“A reparations program is difficult to manage, but smaller scale projects can help individuals and hopefully be the first part of a broader movement of paying back for problems of the past. With proper understanding of the problems involved, we can continue to work towards economic and racial parity and justice in the future.”

OPINION | 05/06/2021

A brick three-story building with a blue gothic-styled door.

Mental health is not a product of one’s volition

“The path that Princeton is on is not sustainable. If the University does not start treating mental illness like the illness that it is, they will continue to leave students dejected, unsupported, and alone.”

“The path that Princeton is on is not sustainable. If the University does not start treating mental illness like the illness that it is, they will continue to leave students dejected, unsupported, and alone.”

OPINION | 05/06/2021

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Professors should cancel scheduled finals, reduce length of take-home exams

“The COVID-19 pandemic, the limitations that students face this semester, and grief have fundamentally compromised learning. Professors, this is not your fault — you are not to blame for the conditions that have made teaching and learning exceedingly difficult this year. However, if there is a moment when your compassion is more needed than ever, that moment is now.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic, the limitations that students face this semester, and grief have fundamentally compromised learning. Professors, this is not your fault — you are not to blame for the conditions that have made teaching and learning exceedingly difficult this year. However, if there is a moment when your compassion is more needed than ever, that moment is now.” 

OPINION | 05/02/2021

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Black death is not ‘educational’: Footage of violence, the children of MOVE, and calls to action unheeded

“I don’t know what to say to people who easily digest human suffering alongside their morning coffee and go through the circuitous work of justifying it, forget it by the week’s end, remember it only to use as a juicy detail in their next low-stakes policy debate, or even feel satisfied by it.”

“I don’t know what to say to people who easily digest human suffering alongside their morning coffee and go through the circuitous work of justifying it, forget it by the week’s end, remember it only to use as a juicy detail in their next low-stakes policy debate, or even feel satisfied by it.”

OPINION | 04/27/2021

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Princeton must reform campus climate for the safety of students

“Students have time and again reported feeling ignored and unprotected by the University’s Title IX office, or having experienced other forms of silencing. This culture makes learning and working on campus unsafe for all, in particular for survivors, and it must end.”

“Students have time and again reported feeling ignored and unprotected by the University’s Title IX office, or having experienced other forms of silencing. This culture makes learning and working on campus unsafe for all, in particular for survivors, and it must end.”

OPINION | 04/27/2021

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The class president deserves more than the 1903 Prize

“To make the prize meaningful as a distinction, we would need to make explicit that ‘doing the most’ does not entail solely student governmental work, and we need to allow for multiple winners to allow the diversity of contributions to be represented.” 

“To make the prize meaningful as a distinction, we would need to make explicit that ‘doing the most’ does not entail solely student governmental work, and we need to allow for multiple winners to allow the diversity of contributions to be represented.”

OPINION | 04/26/2021


Princeton failed its students

“The University’s response to the pandemic has been defined by an incessant prodding of students to perform, a lack of transparency, and a purely reactive attempt at response.”

“The University’s response to the pandemic has been defined by an incessant prodding of students to perform, a lack of transparency, and a purely reactive attempt at response.”

OPINION | 04/26/2021

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Let us be the generation that ends exclusionary zoning

Ditching exclusionary zoning is an obvious step to take in solving America’s housing crisis. Our communities can truly be inclusive and ensure opportunity for all people, particularly people of color who have borne the brunt of exclusionary zoning for far too long. Embracing this vision may even help us finally get serious about solving our most intractable political problems.   

OPINION | 04/25/2021

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Major League Baseball was right to condemn Georgia’s voting law. It shouldn’t have left the state.

“If MLB truly wanted to stop the attack on voting rights it should not have relocated — it should have just stayed in Georgia.”

“If MLB truly wanted to stop the attack on voting rights it should not have relocated — it should have just stayed in Georgia.”

OPINION | 04/25/2021

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Thus Spoke The Undergrads: On being a filthy cheater

“As a friend of the girlfriend’s, you should share what you know. Yet your role as a confidant means you agreed to keep your friend’s secret quiet. If they thought you would share it with their girlfriend, they probably would not have told you that they were cheating. In this situation, obligation gives us no decisive answer about what you should do.”  

“As a friend of the girlfriend’s, you should share what you know. Yet your role as a confidant means you agreed to keep your friend’s secret quiet. If they thought you would share it with their girlfriend, they probably would not have told you that they were cheating. In this situation, obligation gives us no decisive answer about what you should do.”  

OPINION | 04/25/2021


Blue-green algae in the Finger Lakes: A problem the ‘Orange Bubble’ should care about

“The impacts of climate change are not isolated, one-off events. They are not limited to hurricanes in the Gulf, or wildfires in the West, or melting ice caps in the Arctic. Climate change is not some distant, imminent issue that our grandchildren will have to live with. Climate change is an issue that requires urgent, immediate action.”

“The impacts of climate change are not isolated, one-off events. They are not limited to hurricanes in the Gulf, or wildfires in the West, or melting ice caps in the Arctic. Climate change is not some distant, imminent issue that our grandchildren will have to live with. Climate change is an issue that requires urgent, immediate action.”

OPINION | 04/21/2021