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As Princeton looks to the future, current students are deprioritized

“In the process of transforming campus to align with its future expansion goals, Princeton is actually making things worse for its current occupants. True adherence to its campus mobility principles would mean that the University prioritizes a usable campus for its current residents, not just future students.”

“In the process of transforming campus to align with its future expansion goals, Princeton is actually making things worse for its current occupants. True adherence to its campus mobility principles would mean that the University prioritizes a usable campus for its current residents, not just future students.”

OPINION | 11/28/2022

Center for Jewish Life

With antisemitism on the rise, Princeton is not immune

“Princeton hosts a large and vibrant Jewish community. The entire campus has a responsibility to protect these students — not to invalidate their experiences by turning consequential threats of violence into an Instagram meme.”

“Princeton hosts a large and vibrant Jewish community. The entire campus has a responsibility to protect these students — not to invalidate their experiences by turning consequential threats of violence into an Instagram meme.”

OPINION | 11/21/2022

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When it comes to students’ lack of service, we have only ourselves to blame

“There’s no scarcity of resources, service opportunities, or even time among students at Princeton. In thinking about students’ lack of service, we have only ourselves to blame.”

“There’s no scarcity of resources, service opportunities, or even time among students at Princeton. In thinking about students’ lack of service, we have only ourselves to blame.”

OPINION | 11/20/2022

A building at night time illuminated from the front.

Eisgruber won't sacrifice academic rigor for mental health. Students aren't getting either.

“The problem with Eisgruber’s logic isn’t that Princeton students don’t sympathize with the fear of academic mediocrity. It’s that we feel it deeply.”

“The problem with Eisgruber’s logic isn’t that Princeton students don’t sympathize with the fear of academic mediocrity. It’s that we feel it deeply.”

OPINION | 11/20/2022

The interior of a neo-gothic lecture hall

Why are Freshman Seminars not automatically PDF’d?

“Automatically PDF-ing freshman seminars would lower stress levels for first-years as they transition into the notoriously rigorous academic environment that Princeton boasts. PDF-only freshman seminars would not be an extra burden on top of that overwhelming stress, but rather, a way to understand and appreciate the beauty of learning.”

“Automatically PDF-ing freshman seminars would lower stress levels for first-years as they transition into the notoriously rigorous academic environment that Princeton boasts. PDF-only freshman seminars would not be an extra burden on top of that overwhelming stress, but rather, a way to understand and appreciate the beauty of learning.”

OPINION | 11/17/2022

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Newer buildings must not stray from Princeton’s gothic roots

“The [new colleges’] monochrome brick walls look like they were copy-pasted, and the buildings themselves are void of the artistic beauty that Princeton is known for. Why settle for less?” 

“The [new colleges’] monochrome brick walls look like they were copy-pasted, and the buildings themselves are void of the artistic beauty that Princeton is known for. Why settle for less?”

OPINION | 11/14/2022

The affinity space for Natives at Princeton, located in Green Hall. There are string lights, and a seating area surrounded by colorful art.

Princeton must do more in its Indigenous advocacy efforts

“As it stands, the University is doing nowhere near enough to educate its community about the Indigenous land it stands on or the Lenni-Lenape people native to it. Equally so, Princeton is not providing sufficient Indigenous educational resources to its full capacity.”

“As it stands, the University is doing nowhere near enough to educate its community about the Indigenous land it stands on or the Lenni-Lenape people native to it. Equally so, Princeton is not providing sufficient Indigenous educational resources to its full capacity.”

OPINION | 11/14/2022

visitor's center

Affirmative Action offered me and so many others the opportunity to succeed. It needs to stay.

“Given the well-documented and substantive impact of race and ethnicity on educational access and outcomes, it would be absurd to ignore or deny this crucial aspect of a student’s identity in an assessment of any applicant for higher education.”

“Given the well-documented and substantive impact of race and ethnicity on educational access and outcomes, it would be absurd to ignore or deny this crucial aspect of a student’s identity in an assessment of any applicant for higher education.”

OPINION | 11/09/2022


A Teranga-filled homecoming: My experience on Princeton’s fall break trip to Senegal

“It is not often that Princeton holds trips to the African continent on fall and spring breaks, as most opportunities are concentrated in Europe, but the University must build on the precedent of the Senegal trip and create more opportunities for students.”

“It is not often that Princeton holds trips to the African continent on fall and spring breaks, as most opportunities are concentrated in Europe, but the University must build on the precedent of the Senegal trip and create more opportunities for students.”

OPINION | 11/08/2022

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Princeton’s campus is beautiful but inaccessible

“Princeton has made some reasonable efforts, but there should be more widespread assistance regarding accessibility for those who experience disabilities, whether permanent or temporary.”

“Princeton has made some reasonable efforts, but there should be more widespread assistance regarding accessibility for those who experience disabilities, whether permanent or temporary.”

OPINION | 11/08/2022

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This year, Princeton must admit more activists

“So Princeton should step up: Admit more activists this year. With more activists in our student body, our campus can move beyond the vacuous goal of discussion for the sake of discussion, and toward a place where our ‘truth-seeking’ is followed by action and positive change.”

“So Princeton should step up: Admit more activists this year. With more activists in our student body, our campus can move beyond the vacuous goal of discussion for the sake of discussion, and toward a place where our ‘truth-seeking’ is followed by action and positive change.”

OPINION | 11/06/2022

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Princeton is, and may forever be, a Predominantly White Institution

“The composition of Princeton’s faculty, the history of the institution, and the culture of the school contribute to the sense that Princeton not only has been, but most certainly still is a PWI.”

“The composition of Princeton’s faculty, the history of the institution, and the culture of the school contribute to the sense that Princeton not only has been, but most certainly still is a PWI.”

OPINION | 11/03/2022

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Our lives here don't have to feel boring

“At Princeton, it is necessary to experience actively and not — as that visiting friend said — take the positives of campus for granted simply because we know them well. In the two years that my classmates and I have left, we must reacquaint ourselves with our campus and appreciate the old in a new light.”

“At Princeton, it is necessary to experience actively and not — as that visiting friend said — take the positives of campus for granted simply because we know them well. In the two years that my classmates and I have left, we must reacquaint ourselves with our campus and appreciate the old in a new light.”

OPINION | 11/02/2022

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Let’s rethink Princeton’s residential college placement

“The random nature of residential college placement is one of its greatest flaws. I have yet to meet a person who feels they belong to their residential college as much as they belong to other campus groups.”

“The random nature of residential college placement is one of its greatest flaws. I have yet to meet a person who feels they belong to their residential college as much as they belong to other campus groups.”

OPINION | 10/30/2022

Brick building from a corner angle with large glass windows and a blue sky

In Georgia’s moment of vulnerability, the US should step up engagement

“In this moment of vulnerability, Georgians are right to question whether Europe and the United States will really commit to the country’s security and Euro-Atlantic ambitions.”

“In this moment of vulnerability, Georgians are right to question whether Europe and the United States will really commit to the country’s security and Euro-Atlantic ambitions.” 

OPINION | 10/25/2022