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Firestone Library (Pre-Fall Break '24) - Gheorghita.jpg

Princeton, why don’t you care about the working class?

“Princeton is an engine that currently transforms a few thousand people per year, using incredible academic, career, and financial resources, into influential decision-makers. It should turn them into compassionate and public-minded ones, too. Princeton students can and should become allies of the working class.”

“Princeton is an engine that currently transforms a few thousand people per year, using incredible academic, career, and financial resources, into influential decision-makers. It should turn them into compassionate and public-minded ones, too. Princeton students can and should become allies of the working class.”

OPINION | December 20

Stone building with towering arch, lit orange by the sunset.

Confessions of a campus moderate

“Obsessive interest in university life harms the learning that goes on within. When student opinions are given outsized attention, we start to believe that they have something meaningful to say and forget that they are, in fact, still very much in the process of learning how to think.”

“Obsessive interest in university life harms the learning that goes on within. When student opinions are given outsized attention, we start to believe that they have something meaningful to say and forget that they are, in fact, still very much in the process of learning how to think.”

OPINION | December 19

A stone building is illuminated by the sunrise as a student in a red jacket walks by.

As we expand space for mental health, increase the number of available appointments

“The construction of the Health Center should not be seen as a crowning achievement of the University unless it comes with a concrete promise to make mental health care more accessible for students at the University.”

“The construction of the Health Center should not be seen as a crowning achievement of the University unless it comes with a concrete promise to make mental health care more accessible for students at the University.”

OPINION | December 18


Princetonians learned some lies about unions last semester, and it’s partly PGSU’s fault

“It is critically important that after this anti-UE campaign, Princeton students learn about one of the most important steps in a union’s collective bargaining, which comes before students start paying dues: the democratic process.”

“It is critically important that after this anti-UE campaign, Princeton students learn about one of the most important steps in a union’s collective bargaining, which comes before students start paying dues: the democratic process.”

OPINION | December 16

Gray brick modern building with red and white patio furniture above a gravel ground. Two individuals walking with personal electric vehicles along a concrete path.

New Jersey is burning. Stop pretending Princeton won’t.

“In the wake of these dire warnings, it is time for the University to remember that the climate crisis will one day affect Princeton’s campus even more directly — and to redouble its commitments to leadership on climate, sustainability, and environmental justice.”

“In the wake of these dire warnings, it is time for the University to remember that the climate crisis will one day affect Princeton’s campus even more directly — and to redouble its commitments to leadership on climate, sustainability, and environmental justice.”

OPINION | December 9

Raindrops on the branches of a bare tree with a red-brown building in the background.

Princeton’s sprawling statistics curriculum fails to meet student needs

“When so many students are required to take statistics prerequisites, Princeton must ensure these courses teach the material effectively. This could be done by evaluating the course feedback, in which many students have discussed what they felt helped or hindered their learning.”

“When so many students are required to take statistics prerequisites, Princeton must ensure these courses teach the material effectively. This could be done by evaluating the course feedback, in which many students have discussed what they felt helped or hindered their learning.”

OPINION | December 5

White marble building with columns in back of a reflecting pool.

Make intro macroeconomics the prerequisite for SPIA, not intro microeconomics

“The current curriculum fails to equip our future policy leaders with the economic knowledge most relevant for their roles. For SPIA majors, Princeton’s introductory macroeconomics course is arguably more useful than its introductory micro, and this should be reflected in the curriculum.”

“The current curriculum fails to equip our future policy leaders with the economic knowledge most relevant for their roles. For SPIA majors, Princeton’s introductory macroeconomics course is arguably more useful than its introductory micro, and this should be reflected in the curriculum.”

OPINION | December 4

Building with white marble columns in front of a red fall tree.

It’s time to change how we talk about abortion

“When we don’t question disengaged language like this at Princeton, we excuse anti-abortion advocates from being present in the facts. We excuse them from talking about Amber Nicole Thurman, Josseli Barnica, Nevaeh Crain, Candi Miller, and countless other women who have lost their lives as a direct result of abortion bans and restrictions.”

“When we don’t question disengaged language like this at Princeton, we excuse anti-abortion advocates from being present in the facts. We excuse them from talking about Amber Nicole Thurman, Josseli Barnica, Nevaeh Crain, Candi Miller, and countless other women who have lost their lives as a direct result of abortion bans and restrictions.”

OPINION | December 4

Concrete staircase leading into dining area with people seated at square wooden tables. Banner above the stairway reads "Builds climate action"

Mineral extraction is destroying the Congo. Princeton must source sustainably.

“As an important and influential institution in the global green energy transition, Princeton’s role is to commit, and commit actively, to that vision of ethical sourcing for its climate infrastructure.”

“As an important and influential institution in the global green energy transition, Princeton’s role is to commit, and commit actively, to that vision of ethical sourcing for its climate infrastructure.”

OPINION | December 1

A bird’s eye view photo from behind the seats of an empty classroom.

Reform first-year orientation: Less structure, stronger connections

“Core and FYRE Events make it difficult for freshmen to explore campus or forge connections among their new peers. To address this issue, Princeton should restructure orientation programming to prioritize building freshman peer-to-peer engagement.”

“Core and FYRE Events make it difficult for freshmen to explore campus or forge connections among their new peers. To address this issue, Princeton should restructure orientation programming to prioritize building freshman peer-to-peer engagement.”

OPINION | November 22

A blurry person walks in front of the double arched entry to a building.

We must dispel the myth of Princeton’s economic diversity

“Princeton’s administration must implement a class-based affirmative action system to create a domestic student population which is socioeconomically representative of America. In the meantime, effectively serving the nation and humanity involves a realistic understanding of the world’s socioeconomic dynamics — and it starts with us recognizing that Princeton’s population, when compared to the nation as a whole, is not economically diverse.”

“Princeton’s administration must implement a class-based affirmative action system to create a domestic student population which is socioeconomically representative of America. In the meantime, effectively serving the nation and humanity involves a realistic understanding of the world’s socioeconomic dynamics — and it starts with us recognizing that Princeton’s population, when compared to the nation as a whole, is not economically diverse.”

OPINION | November 21

A grey stone building with bike racks and doors and some green grass showing with a bright red tree standing in front

Pathologizing men is unproductive. We should invest in better men-focused spaces

“The lack of avenues for men to talk about masculinity is not an excuse for problematic behavior. But when discussing the challenges facing men involves pathologizing them and blaming their struggles on their own toxic masculinity, we suggest that masculinity is inherently problematic and cannot be expressed in a healthy way.”

“The lack of avenues for men to talk about masculinity is not an excuse for problematic behavior. But when discussing the challenges facing men involves pathologizing them and blaming their struggles on their own toxic masculinity, we suggest that masculinity is inherently problematic and cannot be expressed in a healthy way.”

OPINION | November 20

A Gothic building through bare trees.

In Trump’s America, the national media should learn from student journalists

“As the next administration begins, national media should follow the example of student journalists and pay closer attention to the situations on each campus, breaking national storyline tropes when they don’t fit.”

“As the next administration begins, national media should follow the example of student journalists and pay closer attention to the situations on each campus, breaking national storyline tropes when they don’t fit.”

OPINION | November 20