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Dreaming Delizioso: From Witherspoon Street to Coffee Club

Display case of baked goods, coffee machines, and packaging set-up.
Behind the service counter at Delizioso.
Ysabella Olsen / The Daily Princetonian

The continuous chatter of the lunchtime rush floats around the corner-lot cafe and bakery of Delizioso. The woman behind the counter, Lynne, converses with a customer-turned-close friend. A man, Eric, greets a steady stream of hungry businessmen by name, rattling off inside jokes and anecdotes. Meanwhile, bursts of laughter, the crunches of perfectly-crispy sandwiches, and the faint clatter of pans in the kitchen all add spice to the sweet air that fills Delizioso, Coffee Club’s new pastry provider.

In March 2020, Eric and Lynne Weshner, husband and wife and owners of Delizioso, envisioned an eatery centered around a love for food and the joy it brings to people. By May 2021, renovations on 205 Witherspoon Street were complete and Delizioso opened its doors to the Princeton community. Eric, a former NYC Police Department detective, and Lynne, a former nurse, had no formal training in running a bakery. However, they knew that leaning on their support system of customers, both old and new, would allow them to turn their vision into reality. By catering to the community, local offices, and the University, Delizioso seems to have achieved that vision for their business.

The front entrance of Delizioso.
Ysabella Olsen / The Daily Princetonian

In September 2024, Coffee Club reached out to Delizioso with hope that they would become the student-run coffee shop’s new pastry provider.

“I was astonished and honored,” recalled Eric.

Delizioso’s owners take pride in this recently established collaboration. Eric mentioned that he and his staff now come in earlier to fulfill Coffee Club’s order and, most importantly, to bake pastries the same day they are delivered.

“We don’t make stuff the night before, everything is fresh,” he added.

The quality of baked goods is important to Delizioso, which is already evident to Princeton’s Coffee Club aficionados. Students have been exceptionally pleased with Delizioso’s pastry selection. Coffee Club has even requested an increased supply of spinach and feta croissants in their order from Delizioso.

A sandwich in front of a dark background.
“The Isa” sandwich offered at Delizioso.
Ysabella Olsen / The Daily Princetonian

While visiting the bakery, I opted for “The Isa” sandwich to try out a lunch item that is not available at Coffee Club, but offered at Delizioso’s storefront location. The sandwich contained the classic sandwich ingredients of avocado, lettuce, and tomato, along with pepperjack cheese, potatoes, and scrambled eggs to add a rich, savory component — all of which were wedged in a kaiser roll. With each bite I took, I relished each unique flavor that blended together under the warmth of the sandwich. I also had the pleasure of trying a chocolate chip cookie. It was a large, thin cookie containing scattered chocolate chunks that did not make it overwhelmingly sweet. Apart from these items that I tried, Delizioso’s menu contains a plethora of dietary-friendly options including vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, or dairy free dishes spanning from scrumptious baked goods to hearty, savory meals.

“It’s all about community,” Eric said of his and Lynne’s mindset for running Delizioso. “We love food and we love people.”

The couple is proud of the rapport they have built with Princeton students. In fact, Eric and Lynne are strong supporters of the University and often attend Princeton sporting events. They especially love it when student-athletes visit Delizioso with their parents. Eric reflected on members of the 2024 Summer U.S. Olympic team who were once Princeton rowers and would frequent Delizioso for a morning treat after a tough workout on Carnegie Lake.

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“We’ve always wanted to come to a neighborhood and be an anchor in the neighborhood,” he noted.

This meaningful community presence extends to the Princeton residents as well: Eric and Lynne have continually befriended customers, even later attending some of their weddings and birthdays. Additionally, they invest in other Princeton small businesses by sourcing eggs and vegetables from local farms.

A kitchen environment with bread on the right side.
The inside of the kitchen at Delizioso.
Ysabella Olsen / The Daily Princetonian

With the introduction of Delizioso’s goods into Coffee Club, it is evident that each cafe’s values align with and amplify one another. The atmosphere of Delizioso mirrors that of Coffee Club; like Delizioso, the community at Coffee Club is one of close companions and great food. At either of Princeton’s Coffee Club locations, it is easy to imagine a mid-day study break, where one might pass by a table of dedicated math students discussing a p-set. The baristas are fellow students, and the customers are old friends that are catching up while waiting for a coffee and chocolate croissant. At Coffee Club, like Delizioso, the taste of community and tasty food is savored in each new bite. So, the next time you are out in town, stop at Delizioso for a bite. And if you can’t quite escape campus, make sure you get a taste of Delizioso at Coffee Club.

Ysabella Olsen is a member of the Class of 2028. She is a contributing writer for The Prospect and copy editor at the ‘Prince.’ She can be reached at yo7647[at]