Members of the Princeton and Yale football team line up before the start of a play.
Ammaar Alam / The Daily Princetonian.

Catch after catch, the Yale Bulldogs beat Princeton in this year's game.
Ryland Graham / The Daily Princetonian

Throughout the game, Princeton's cheerleaders brought energy to the game, pushing the Tigers to do their best.
Ammaar Alam / The Daily Princetonian

In hopeful anticipation of a win and a bonfire, Princeton students filled the stands for the football game against Yale.
Ryland Graham / The Daily Princetonian

Cooper Koers '26 watches the scoreboard in anticipation.
Ryland Graham / The Daily Princetonian

Osize Daniyan, a Yale first-year, avoided many tackle attempts from the Tigers, scoring yet another touchdown.
Ryland Graham / The Daily Princetonian

Matthew Mahoney, Princeton '25, and Sean Guyton, Yale '25 go back to the line of scrimmage after a player was tackled.
Ammaar Alam / The Daily Princetonian

Mason Tipton, Yale '24, successfully caught the ball in the endzone, pushing the Bulldogs towards their eventual win.
Ammaar Alam / The Daily Princetonian

As the game neared the end, the Tigers watched the scoreboard clock tick down with Yale ahead.
Ammaar Alam / The Daily Princetonian
Ammaar Alaam and Ryland Graham are contributing photographers for the 'Prince.'

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