In light of the right-wing Zionist attacks on Professor Satyel Larson’s plans to teach Dr. Jasbir Puar’s “The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability” in NES 301, we, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Professor Larson, whose teaching and scholarship we value and admire greatly.
We are deeply troubled by the attempt to censor Professor Larson, ban Puar’s book, limit intellectual inquiry, and silence faculty-student exchange within and beyond the classroom, particularly on issues of such political, moral, and philosophical significance.
In recent days, the Center for Jewish Life (CJL), Princeton’s Hillel, has waged an intimidation campaign against Professor Larson’s free expression. On Aug. 14, Executive Director Rabbi Gil Steinlauf ’91 publicized his attempts at censorship: “We have written directly to the Chair of the Department and the course professor, asking them to explore…alternative ways to teach the course without [the book].”
Steinlauf is not alone. Other Jewish institutional leaders have tried to pressure the University to ban the book. Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, demanded the book not be used in class. Furthermore, he called for the “University to cancel the course in question immediately, fire its professor, Satyel Larson.” Just as disturbingly, the Israeli government wrote to President Eisgruber on Aug. 9, asking that they “act immediately to remove the book from the curriculum.”
While far-right Jewish leaders in America and Israel claim to speak for us, they do not. This latest attempt to silence educational discourse related to Israel-Palestine is part of a pattern in which the CJL aims to interfere with academic and co-curricular events, inquiry, and debate on campus.
The CJL’s suggestion that Princeton students and faculty should not study controversial texts represents an attack on the very mandate of the University, which is to create an environment in which we wrestle with and question ideas, including — it should go without saying — some of the most pressing issues of our time.
This spring, when it was convenient for the CJL to defend free speech, in order to justify hosting Ronen Shoval, “the founder of an ultranationalist Israeli group,” they did so. It is now clear, however, that the CJL’s commitment to academic freedom and expression only extends to right-wing activists and not those who are concerned with human rights violations. And this is not the first time the CJL has attempted censorship.
In addition to our outrage about this threat to academic freedom and expression, we are saddened that the CJL’s response fails to reflect the Jewish values we hold most dear. Rather than taking inspiration from the Jewish tradition of studying difficult texts and myriad interpretations in all of their complexity, the CJL’s attempt to suppress debate and censor Puar’s book does exactly the opposite.
The actions taken by the CJL, the state of Israel, and World Jewish Congress are all the more disturbing in the context of the current wave of book bans, attacks on critical race theory, and ongoing efforts to silence marginalized voices, especially those of queer and BIPOC communities. The CJL’s choice to employ these right-wing, book-banning strategies demonstrates where its true solidarity lies.
Rather than contending with the horrific fact that Israel, like other countries, engages in human rights violations — having illegally harvested the organs of both Palestinians and Israelis, which is well-documented — the CJL perpetuates a rhetoric of Jewish and Israeli exceptionalism, which is deeply problematic.
As progressive Jewish students, alumni, faculty, parents, and non-Jewish allies, we want to express our gratitude for the Princeton professors who take time and care to teach about complex, controversial issues of the utmost importance.
Just a few months ago, University President Christopher L. Eisgruber ’83 charged the graduating Class of 2023, and the University community more broadly, to “stand up and speak up together for the values of free expression and full inclusivity for people of all identities.” We now call upon him to make good on this pledge. In the face of foreign governments and affiliated entities threatening free speech on this campus, we ask that the University administration reaffirm its commitment to academic freedom and inquiry.

The Alliance of Jewish Progressives
Emanuelle Sippy ’25
Bryce Springfield ’25
Rio Baran ’25
Adam Sanders ’25
Alan Plotz ’25
Elena Milliken ’26
Eleanor Clemans-Cope ’26
Nomi Willis ’24
Kennedy Primus ’24
Jack Toubes ’25
Celine Pham ’24
Charlotte Pfenning ’26
Amber Rahman ’24
Emery Jones-Flores ’26
Noah Harrigan ’24
Meredith Gallagher, ’24
Nora Goodman ’25
David Beeson ’26
Cynthia Jacobson ’26
Sierra Stern ’24
Tacy Guest ’26
Darian Bolboaca-Negru ’26
Christina Yao ’26
Griffin Schulman ’25
Aleha Amjad ’25
Nate Howard ’25
Kyrah Potter ’25
Isadora Knutsen ’25
Max Peel ’25
Alexander Heine ’24
Suniya Nsehti ’24
Khari Franklin ’24
Alex Norbrook ’26
Temi Ayeni, ’24
Laurence Drayton ’26
Sara Ryave ’24
Rowan Johnson ’27
Luz Victoria ’24
Lucía Armengol ’26
Aya Eyceoz ’25
Gedeon Guercin ’24
Jaden Sharp ’26
Laura Robertson ’24
Martin Mastnak ’25
Samyukta Neeraj ’25
Lena Hoplamazian, ’24
Seth Kahn ’25
Aaron Serianni ’25
Paige Silverstein ’24
Olivia Hoppe-Spink ’26
Allison Thomas ’25
Kristin Nagy ’27
Dayton Martindale ’15
Wasif Sami ’25
Abbie Lambert ’24
Quest Starkey ’26
Jayden Morales ’25
Hannah Ulman ’24
Amira Adarkwah ’26
Mollika Jai Singh ’24
Alistair Wright ’27
Michael Kostolansky ’26
Nora Shefferman ’25
Jenia Marquez ’25
Andrew Duke ’25
Joseph G. Kim Sexton ’25
Roya Reese ’26
Ethan Wang ’26
Sabreen Alam ’26
Seiyoung Jang ’25
Gabe Robare ’24
Raphaela Gold ’26
Mandeep Kaur ’26
Eliza Shaffer ’24
Theo Wells-Spackman ’25
Noura Shoukfeh ’25
Arika Hassan ’26
Sol Choi ’26
Joshua Yang ’25
Jasmyn Dobson ’24
Ellen Li ’24
Abdul-Bassit Fijabi ’24
Ellie Diamond ’26
Bryan Zhang ’26
Thomas Goulding ’24
David Chmielewski ’24
Thalia Eitel-Porter ’25
Austin Glover ’24
Zach Ducorsky ’26
Nicholas Urbati ’25
Arman Nemati ’27
Sara Ansari ’24
Sydney Spector ’24
Uma Fox ’26
Maguire Sholette ’25
Schuyler Gwei ’25
Destiny Allen ’24
Simon Gotera ’25
Aybars Önder ’24
Sam Bisno ’24
Eman Ali ’25
Michelle Miao ’26
Katie Rohrbaugh ’24
Jacqueline Zhou ’26
Hagr Elweshahy ’27
George Tidmore ’26
Jessica Jean Scott ’24
Farah Arnaout ’26
Niv Leibowitz ’27
Clara McWeeny ’25
Julia Kingston ’25
Kayla Memis ’24
Collin Guedel ’26
Jacob Jackson ’26
Kaitlyn Greppin ’26
Kristal Grant ’24
Koki Ogawa ’26
Seza Tunc ’24
Destiny Allen ’27
Rubi Larancuent ’27
Mason Thieu ’25
Athena Jamurta ’25
Ana Blanco ’23
Sakura Price ’23
Zachariah Sippy ’23
Zev Mishell ’23
Ben Gelman ’23
Enver Ramadani ’21
Ben Goodman ’17
Jae Yoon ’23
Dylan Shapiro ’23
Zora Arum ’22
Claire Nuchtern ’15
Eric Periman ’23
Jonathan Golden ’23
Kyle Dhillon ’16
Rafi Lehmann ’20
Chaya Holch ’23
Christopher Wilks ’20
Shanaz Deen ’21
Kelly Roache ’12 GS ’15
Ahmed Farah ’22
Elizabeth Saldana ’23
Riley Simmons-Edler GS ’22
Tiffany Critchlow ’21
Elif Aydin ’22
Mason Herson-Hord ’15
Alexej Gundy ’23
Elliot Ratzman GS ’09
Karen Ho GS ’03
Yara Daraiseh ’23
Lisa Clemans-Cope ’94
Braden Flax ’23
James Grosz ’23
Harald Helfgott GS ’03
Alex Smith ’13
Masha Miura ’21
Katie Horvath ’15
Peter Taylor ’22
Alexander Moravcsik ’23
Wende E. Marshall *99
Graduate Students
Henry Gomory, Department of Sociology
Aditi Rao, Department of Classics
Tom Abi Samra, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Sana Khan, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Mathias Ghyoot, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Irmak Şensöz, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Athina Pfeiffer, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Ameen Omar, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Rami Koujah, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Manuel Perez, Department of Economics
Nataly Brukhim, Department of Computer Science
Adam Anabosi, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Faculty and Staff
Daniel Sheffield, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Lara Harb, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Dan-el Padilla Peralta ’06, Department of Classics
Gavin Steingo, Department of Music
Zahid Chaudhary, Department of English
Julia Elyachar, Department of Anthropology
Molly Greene, Department of History
Sara Al-Sayed, School of Public and International Affairs
Elliott Lieb, Departments of Physics and Mathematics
Colleen Asper, Lewis Center for the Arts
Wendy Belcher, Department of African American Studies
Chika Okeke-Agulu, Departments of Art & Archaeology, African American Studies
Benjamin Baer, Department of Comparative Literature
Anne McClintock, High Meadows Environmental Institute
Nick Nesbitt, Department of French and Italian
Max Weiss, Department of History
Rob Nixon, Department of English and High Meadows Environmental Institute
Ra'anan Boustan GS ’04, Program in Judaic Studies
Gyan Prakash, Department of History
Gayle Salamon, Department of English
Andrew Cole, Department of English
Oded Bein, Postdoctoral Researcher at Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Yael Niv, Department of Psychology and Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Community Members, Scholars, and Parents
Aaron Bierstein
Shana Sippy
Joe Marchica
Zeina Eyceoz
Suraj P.
Eva Haque
Gabriela Orozco
Tyler Bane
Shreena Niketa Gandhi
Sam Friedman
Melissa Weiner
Sean Lefevre
Max Yeston
Chelsea Ebin
Elly Levy
Tess Greenwood
Rabbi David Wirtschafter
Emily Alma
Sailaja Krishnamurti
Eric Mendelsohn
Sheila Otieno
Adriana Estill
Dheepa Sundaram
Marnina Wirtschafter
Steven M. Vose
Nathan Rivas
Will Yetvin
Rohit Chopra
Elana Metz, Open Hillel
Jigna Desai
Amy Chazkel
Lauren Osborne
Lachman Sippy
Benjamin Mordecai Ben-Baruch
Dina Badie
Steven Gelb
Anjali Sippy
Max Strassfeld
Corinne Dempsey
Widad Harrison
Robert K. Franklin
Lama Shoukfeh
Jill Constantino
Michael D. Baran
Emily Krall
Rachel Burnett
Laura Levitt
Sangeet Sheth
Juliane Hammer
Wendy Goldberg
Natanya Pearlman
Jenny Sutton-Amr
Brenner Yellis
Yeou-Shiuh Hsu
Eleanor D. Holt
Aya Rosen
Mia Mathews
Orit Gwirceman
Lily Gardner
Itamar Kestenbaum
Jonathan Golub
Nora Rose Moosnick
Drew Curtis
Jenny Sutton-Amr
Noa Fort
Gabriella Fine
UV Kravitz
Tulasi Srinivas
Richard Axtell
Francesca Chubb-Confer
Harshita Mruthinti Kamath
Eli Wirtschafter
Varun Khanna
Prea Persaud Khanna
Shoshana Hirschmann
Ella Levitt
Pearl Morttey
Natanya Pearlman
Eliza Smith
Cadence Brown
Pragya Upreti
Krasimir Staykov
Sasha Hochman
Norah Laughter
Taylor Kahn-Perry
Maia Lefferman
Sarah Wittenbrink
Yukimi Ogawa
Sanaa Kahloon
Tali Deaner
Meredith Crockett Williams
Alam Mohammed
Rena Branson
Phoebe Wagoner
This list is as of 11:30 am on Friday, August 18. To view a full list of signatories, please see this continuously updated document.
The Alliance of Jewish Progressives (AJP) describes itself as a collective of non-, post-, and anti-Zionist Jewish students at Princeton who stand in solidarity with Palestinians, against Israeli apartheid, and for intersecting anti-colonial struggles for human rights and justice around the world.