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This Week in Photos: Rain or shine

Brown stone building. A branch is in the foreground, with water droplets trickling off of it.
Rain droplets form on trees in front of Murray-Dodge Hall
Aarushi Adlakha / The Daily Princetonian
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Bright sunshine peaks through trees on McCosh Walk.
Guanyi Cao / The Daily Princetonian

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University Place during golden hour. 
Kenzy Elshazly / The Daily Princetonian

The large metal sculpture in front of the SPIA building is lit up at night.
The SPIA fountain lights up at night. 
Jessica Dong / The Daily Princetonian

Sun sets on McCosh Walk, painting the sky pink and blue. 
Aarushi Adlakha / The Daily Princetonian

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Eerie fog covers Poe Field late at night. 
Jean Shin / The Daily Princetonian

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A rainbow appears in the sky after heavy rainfall.
Louisa Gheorghita / The Daily Princetonian