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This Week in Photos: March 29–April 5

Building with rainbow balloons in front, with a full bike rack in the foreground.
Balloons decorated the entrance to Dillon Gymnasium for GSRC's PrideFest celebration to kick off Pride Month. 
Angel Kuo / The Daily Princetonian
Despite flowers struggling to bloom with the everchanging weather, a new sign of spring came this week: the Fountain of Freedom once again flowed next to Shapiro Walk.
Angel Kuo / The Daily Princetonian

Students sit outside and relax in the sunny weather.
Zoe Berman / The Daily Princetonian

Spring flowers after a rainy weekend.
Zoe Berman / The Daily Princetonian

Yellow flowers set against the background of the President's House.
Zoe Berman / The Daily Princetonian

pride fest foot truck (Isabel Richardson).JPG
Students wait in line at food trucks as part of the GSRC’s PrideFest.
Isabel Richardson / The Daily Princetonian

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A tree blossoms by Little Hall in Mathey College.
Isabel Richardson / The Daily Princetonian
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