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ICC looks to ‘bring the Street back’ as University further loosens restrictions on indoor gatherings

cap bicker Candace Do DP.jpg
Students walk into Cap & Gown Club, one of the University's six bicker clubs.
Candace Do / The Daily Princetonian 

On Sunday, Feb. 6, the University further loosened guidance regarding indoor event capacity limits, now allowing event coordinators to serve food and beverage at events for undergraduates, according to the University website. This newest change continues a pattern on the part of the University of loosening restrictions since the return of students for the Spring 2022 semester. 

Following the website update, an email was sent to undergraduate students on Tuesday, Feb. 8, informing students of the new gathering policy, as well as a shift to allow many vaccinated undergraduate students to test once a week, rather than twice a week as previously required. 


According to the email, “indoor gatherings may include food and attendees are welcome to remove their masks while eating or drinking. Masks must be worn when not actively eating or drinking.” 

The email also states that “Campus Risk Status has been reduced from “High” to “Moderate to High,” and adds that these changes will be instituted “effective immediately.”

In a message sent to The Daily Princetonian, Interclub Council (ICC) President Schuyler Kean ’22 expressed that these new guidelines are promising and signal a shift towards the re-opening of eating clubs for more “normal” social events and activities.

“So this information is new, and we’ve been busy running a successful Street Week and welcoming our new members,“ Kean noted. “We're looking at the University's updated guidelines and working toward bringing the Street back to as normal as possible within their parameters.”

Last week, the ‘Prince’ reported on the lifting of the 20-person indoor gathering capacity limit that had been in place since late Fall 2021.

The University’s COVID-19 Safe Practices website, previously modified on Feb. 6. with new information, was again recently updated to include statements saying that “indoor gatherings may now include food,“ as well as a note that “there are not special limits for undergraduate indoor gatherings in dormitory rooms, suites, and off-campus housing.”


University Communications did not immediately respond to a request for further comment from the ‘Prince’. 

This article is breaking and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Bailey Glenetske is an Assistant News Editor who often covers current University affairs and politics. She can be reached at or on Instagram @bailey.glenetske.

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