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End of term in photos: November 17–December 7

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A student works in the Julian Street Library.
Natalia Maidique / The Daily Princetonian
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The moon descends over Fisher Hall and fades out of its deep red color during the November 19 lunar eclipse. 
Justin Cai / The Daily Princetonian

Morrison hall covered in flags of years that Princeton has had a bonfire.
Class banners representing previous bonfire years hang against Morrison Hall. 
Zoe Berman / The Daily Princetonian

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Performers play a Christmas carol in front of Nassau Inn.
Shirley Xue / The Daily Princetonian

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Holiday decorations line Nassau Street. 
Candace Do / The Daily Princetonian

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Cloudy blue skies are reflected in the windows of the Effron Music Building. 
Guanyi Cao / The Daily Princetonian
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