The following is a guest contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. For information on how to submit an article to the Opinion Section, click here.
Yesterday, a few campus organizations held an event with Abigail Shrier, an ideologue who gained notoriety for a book which, among many things, argues against providing gender-affirming care (primarily puberty blockers) to transgender children. I could spend my time refuting each of the bad-faith points she makes, but that is an intentional trap — to bog down public discourse in absurd culture wars.
We should harbor no delusions about what Shrier and her ilk are actually doing. They are capitalizing on the present stigma against transgender people in order to profit financially and politically. In a world where people are increasingly disillusioned with the way things are, they offer a scapegoat — a vulnerable subject to be blamed and bullied.
Their arguments cannot be reasoned with, because they are not founded on reason. They sidestep legitimate academic methods and instead cherry-pick anecdotal examples or even outright fabrications. They do this to construct a threat where none exists — or rather, to play the victims when they are in fact the abusers. This is a tale as old as human history itself — but one which we can subvert, if we collectively recognize the pattern and choose to break the cycle. A kinder world is possible. Will you join us?
Ariana Natalie Myers is a History Ph.D. Candidate. She can be reached at