During the second Undergraduate Student Government (USG) meeting of the semester, Director for Wintersession and Campus Engagement Judy Jarvis presented on the 2022 Wintersession program, which will run in person from Jan. 10 through Jan. 23.
Wintersession is open to undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff interested in taking or teaching nongraded courses on a wide range of topics, including skill-based workshops and diversity and inclusion sessions. Participation is free for all students, as is housing and dining during the duration of the program, regardless of whether the student is on a University meal plan.
According to Jarvis, domestic travel during Wintersession will resume this year but only for locations accessible by ground transportation. The courses that do take trips will be to local and regional destinations.
If a student is interested in leading a workshop or evening event, the proposal form is due Sept. 28. Jarvis noted that the Wintersession staff will handle logistical information like room reservation and promotion for students who lead a session. Funding is also available for materials and travel, and student proposals are prioritized for funding.
Registration for Wintersession will be open Nov. 1 through Nov. 19.
During the meeting, the Senate also discussed USG Task Forces, some of which are newly formed for this semester.
The Transfer Program Task Force will specialize on the experience of transfer students and address issues related to the transfer program. This Task Force is co-chaired by Christopher St Hilaire ’24 and Muskan Effendi ’24.
The Mental Health Task Force will continue its work this semester, with Vian Wagatsuma ’23 and Will Hunt ’23 co-chairing the group. This task force aims to increase the awareness and accessibility of mental health resources on campus. It was this task force that published the 30-page Mental Health Guidebook in 2020.
The Transparency, Engagement, and Community Relations Task Force is co-chaired by Hannah Kapoor ’23 and Riley Martinez ’23. This task force works to increase student engagement in USG and make visible the impact USG has on the student body.
Mariam Latif ’24 and Reade Ben ’22 co-chair the Housing and University Facilities Task Force, which works to bring forth facilities-related issues from the students to the University administration. This task force will focus on the room draw process and quality of University housing, among other things.
The Community Dining Task Force, co-chaired by Brad Phelps ’22 and Stephen Daniels ’24, seeks to make Nassau Street more financially accessible to all Princeton students, particularly low-income students. While Tigers in Town will continue allowing students to dine off campus for free, this task force is working to implement a longer-term program.
The Disability Task Force and Menstrual Product Task Force are also set to continue their work this semester.

The Senate also voted on and approved three events for funding through the Projects Board during the meeting.
The meeting was held on Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. in Frist 302.
Caitlin Limestahl is the Head News Editor and has previously covered the Undergraduate Student Government and University Affairs. She can be reached by email at caitlinl@princeton.edu or by Twitter @caitlin_lime.