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Princeton community stands with Israel

Israel flag
“Israel_9-09_111” by Patrick Brennan / CC BY 2.0

The following is a guest contribution and reflects the authorsviews alone. For information on how to submit an article to the Opinion Section, click here.

As members of the Princeton University community, we believe in Israel’s right to live in peace. Moreover, Israel has both the right and the duty to protect itself, its borders, and its citizens from terrorist attacks.


In the past few weeks, thousands of rockets have been indiscriminately fired towards Israel by Hamas, a group that has been designated by the United States and the European Union as a terrorist organization. Their actions have resulted and continue to result in the death of innocent civilians both in Gaza and in Israel.

Consistent with the designation of the United States and the European Union, we condemn Hamas and the role it has played in Palestinian and Israeli suffering. The loss of innocent life — Palestinian and Israeli — is tragic, and there is no justification for the intentional firing of rockets from residential areas or the destruction of crucial humanitarian aid sent from Israel into Gaza. We must stand against Hamas and their calls to exterminate Israel and the Jewish people, just as we stand against all other extremist, genocidal organizations.

We must also forcefully oppose the recent explosion of antisemitism and any anti-Israel sentiment that extends beyond legitimate criticism of Israeli government or policies. Members of our own Princeton community have been shouted at for praying or wearing yarmulkes in public. Several days ago, a video was released in Los Angeles showing a large group of individuals physically assaulting innocent Jewish diners at a restaurant. More videos of similar instances from across the country continue to be released. This is unacceptable, as is the silence that has followed.

By denying Israel the ability to keep its citizens safe, one holds Israel to a standard to which no other country in the world is held. We refuse to trivialize or dismiss terrorism or antisemitism, and we will continue to support Israel’s right to national security.

We yearn for an end to violence and for an enduring peace.

To sign your name in agreement, please click here.


To see a full and updated list of signatories, click here.


Harrison Snowden ’22, Tigers for Israel President

Orli Epstein ’24, Tigers for Israel Vice President

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Adam Hoffman ’23, Tigers for Israel Vice President

Reid Zlotky ’23, Tigers for Israel Secretary

Jared Stone ’24, Tigers for Israel Treasurer

Avi Bendory ’21, Electrical Engineering

Benjamin Nabet ’10, PhD Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Susan Nabet ’05

Barry Hanon ’23

Linda Cahn ’76

Henry Koffler ’23, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Clem Brown ’21

Randy Epstein P’24

Heather Milbar ’11

Daniel Friedman ’24

Lisa Friedman P’24

Nathan Botton ’23

Isabel Segel ’22, Tigers for Israel President Emerita

Liz Frailey ’11

Arthur Levy ’10

David Dubow ’13

Tair Goldbarsht, Center for Jewish Life Israel Fellow

Rabbi Julie Roth, Center for Jewish Life

Rabbi Ira Dounn, Senior Jewish Educator, Center for Jewish Life

Rabbi Eitan Webb, Scharf Family Chabad House at Princeton University

Aaron Scheinfeld ’13

Andrew Hersh ’18

Courtney Sachs ’11

Ken Anhalt ’14

Elan Zohar ’22, History

Jacob Berman ’20

Mikhael Smits ’18

J.R. ’19

Myles McKnight ’23, Politics

Solomon Braun ’12, Psychology

Guillermo de la Torre ’22, Economics

Dana Waitman ’23

Lior Zohar P’22

Joshua L. Rodman ’09, History

Leah Cohen-Shohet ’12

Akhil Rajasekar ’21

Duby Scheiner ’21, Chemistry

Addie Lerner ’11

Ariella Rosengard P’11 P’16

Alexander Katz ’13

Nicholas Pusateri ’22

Peter Ozsvath, Professor of Mathematics

Leora Huebner ’19

Camilla Kalvaria ’12

Raanan Agus ’89

Netti Herman ’05

Gilron Tsabkevich ’21, Computer Science

Rebecca Mindel ’19

Batsheva Leah Weinstein ’24

Craig Liebmann ’13

Nathan Yates ’22, Tigers For Israel

Sara Dardik ’22, Computer Science

Leon Kalvaria ’79

Daniel D. Edelman ’88

Peter Brown ’24

Marni Blitz, Center for Jewish Life

Jacob Alayof ’23

Jacob Katz ’23

Dr. Lori Zeltser ’89

Leonard Berman ’89

Steven Weissman P’17

Rebekah Adams ’21, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Sergiu Klainerman, Professor of Mathematics

Aaron Cohen ’23

Lara Stone P’24

David Stone P’24

Ben Wolfson ’17, Operations Research & Financial Engineering

Irwin Kasser ’58

Barry Langman ’90

Tamar Willis ’19

Sophie Kader ’20

Matthew Wilson ’24

Germaine Washington ’22

Sarah Hirschfield ’20

Ari Herman ’04

Jonathan Kader ’16

Donna Gabai, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science

Michael Kassen ’76

Jacob Reses ’13

Molly Reiner ’17

Will Scharf ’08

Michelle Goldstein-Dresner P’13 P’14

Yasmeen Almog ’17

Robert Blatt ’12

Jacob Loewenstein ’11

Matt Handel ’87

Morgan Teman ’23, Computer Science

Douglas Alden ’88

Theodore Furchtgott ’18

Rabbi Adrienne Rubin ’88

Robert Cohen ’90

Sarah Drapkin ’23

Marc Melzer ’02

Jillian Stein ’13

Gabriel Swagel ’20

Aaron Willis ’93

Henry Lerner ’71

Mary Devine ’11

Mark Abramovitz ’21

Heather Samberg ’23

Solveig Gold ’17, Classics

Darius Gross ’24

Maria Chudnovsky, PACM, Professor of Mathematics

Andrew Meyers ’16

Dror Futter ’86

Moshe Beiser ’19

Ryan A. ’20, School of Public and International Affairs

Tammie Rapps ’90

S.M. ’17

Abe Bassan ’06

Talia Gill ’24

Jonathan Passner ’89

Dafna Yavetz ’23

Adam Hitin-Bialus ’23

Iris Engelson ’83

David Gabai, Professor of Mathematics

Joseph Bennett ’11

Howard Fredman ’66

Miriam Friedman ’19

Michael Weinberg ’11

Howard Reiter ’81

Daniel Gitelman ’21, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Daniel Wise GS ’96, Professor of Mathematics at McGill University

Ben Neumann ’14

Hannelora Everett ’17

Dina Brewer ’88

Jeff Samberg ’88

Robert Zellner ’98

Devin Walsh ’11

William Scheinman ’14, School of Public and International Affairs

Linda Weissman P’19

Theodore Gross ’24

Samantha Sussman ’17

Kelley Baum ’11

Katherine Geary ’11

Katy Boettcher ’11

Jason Baum ’11

Melissa Loewinger ’11

Arielle Mindel ’21

Shelly Brown P’23

Melissa Lerner ’09

Christopher Kane ’24

Janet Stotsky ’81

Richard Gorelick ’82

Liron Noiman ’09

Jonathan Schleifer ’18, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Sam Berman ’21, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Sam Siegel ’09

Jeremy Chizewer ’22

Nishant Singhal ’23

Tamara Weston ’09

Michael Weissman ’19

James H. Marrow, Professor Emeritus of Art and Archaeology

Rachel Linfield ’19

David Schultz ’80

Yael Halevi-Wise GS ’95, Comparative Literature, Chair of Jewish Studies at McGill University

Richard Furchtgott ’20

Parker Morse ’09

Gabe Roth ’20, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Sonny Huang ’20

Suzanne Levy Friedman ’08

Julie Friedman Koffler P’23

Saul Perloff ’88

Eric Silberman ’13

Sam Benen ’07

Joshua Bachner ’13

Sophie Karchemskiy ’15, Chemistry

Sharon Cooper ’93

Steven Sasson ’09

Niv Milbar ’13

Bradford Wilson, Executive Director, James Madison Program

Debbie Rabner

Marek Milbar ’13

Jacob Savage ’06

Ofra Milbat ’13

Darren Geist ’05

Marc R Daniel ’83

Matthew ’13, Economics

David Weisberg ’23

Jonathan Fredman ’80, School of Public and International Affairs

Jordan Blashek ’09, School of Public and International Affairs

Francesca Furchtgott ’12

Jordana White ’05

Mark Biderman ’67

Yael Nobel ’10

Nomi Willis ’24

Matt Saunders ’15

Genevieve Ryan Bellaire ’11

Catherine Snowden ’90

Caroline Snowden ’17

Sara Shiff ’25

Laura Shiff P’25

Sean Shiff P’25

Douglas Rubin ’81

Peter Colvin ’21

Calvin Hunt ’24, School of Public and International Affairs

Thomas Martinson ’22

Michael Fording ’23

Deborah Hurwitz ’89, Music Theory and Composition

Seth Walensky ’22, Chemistry

Sivan Krems ’17

Davina J. Askin ’91

Annie Grossberg ’04

Caroline Slutsky ’14

Sara Malamut ’17, Chabad

Tim Wei ’21

Oren Slone ’20

Ron Miasnik ’22

Ben Dworkin ’90

William Happer, Professor of Physics, Emeritus

Eli Schechner ’18

Adam Ziff ’23

Szymon Suckewer, Professor Emeritus 

Miriam Rosenbaum ’12

Jacob Brown ’20 GS ’22, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ariel Klainerman ’07

Uri Schwartz ’20

Debby Greenberg ’87

Robert Bernstein ’08

Jacob Shteingart ’20

Matthew Karasz ’13

Michael Stambler ’20

Olga Troyanskaya, Faculty, Computer Science and Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics

Amanda Brown ’19

Sutton Brown ’11

Jay Kaplan ’23, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Leonard Blum ’82

Malcolm Blinder ’22

Boris Hanin, Associate Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Douglas Moore ’88

Lior Silberman GS ’05, Mathematics

Joshua Berman ’87

Craig Katz ’97

Charles Agus ’94

Alan Wecker ’82, Mathematics

Gabi Agus ’18, Sociology

Ryan Alweiss GS ’23, Mathematics 

Max Misrahi ’22, President of Chabad

David Salomon ’78

Edward Misrahi ’91

Michael Freund ’90

Sean Emmer ’11

Jack Rabner ’16

Elizabeth Bogan, Professor of Economics

Tara Shirazi ’21

Adam Epstein ’07

Nadia Talel ’10

Lara Hochstein ’08

Jason Elbaum ’92

Robert Snowden P’17

Kevin Wayne, Professor of Computer Science

Rebecca Roth ’24

Madeleine LeBeau ’24

Michael Brown P’24

Katherine Belilty ’24

David Zinberg ’89

Michael Berger ’85, Professor of Religion at Emory University

Yael Zinberg P’23

Naomi Richman Neumann P’14

Jerry Neumann P’14

Sam Major ’16

Sarah Fishman ’00

Sarah Zami ’19

Sarah Kahan Abbett ’02

Miriam Levy P’22

Elaine Golden Robison ’72, PhD History

Rafael Tafur ’20, History

Judy Hoffman P’23

Tovah Ellman ’02

Marc Dror Michaelson ’89

Josh Rawson ’85

Scott Garfinkle ’83

Jennifer Michaelson ’15

Alan Hoffman P’23

Alexandra Rothstein ’00

Alyza Lewin ’88

Nathaniel Fisch, Professor of Astrophysical Sciences

Sam Michaelson ’15

Zahava Presser Michaelson ’17

Hillel Koslowe ’22, Computer Science

Avital Hazony Levi ’12

Rebecca Lehman ’02, Mathematics

Yaakov Zinberg ’23

Jonathan Yudelman, Research Associate at James Madison Program

Joyce Misrahi P’22

Aaron Applbaum ’14

Arielle Sandor ’12

Kayla Waitman ’25

Jonathan Baker ’87, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Martha Himmelfarb, Department of Religion

Michael Kelvington ’17, School of Public and International Affairs

Melody Sandor P’12

Randall Winn ’92

Eileen Kahan, M.D. P’02

Sarina Shrier ’16

Michael Schechner ’18

Danielle Shapiro ’25

Emily Eitches ’14

Morton Kahan ’64

Kim Leslie Shafer P’22

Sondra Maureen Nemetski ’03

Brad Nemetski GS ’01, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Mitch Julis P’77, Former Princeton Trustee

Benjamin Plotinsky ’99

Ilona Eitched P’14

Galia Dafni GS ’93, Mathematics

Dina Huebner P’19

Donna Sternberg P’95

Olaf Sakkers ’11

Anya Verkhovskaya P’23, Molecular Microbiology

Evangeline Su ’99

Doc Haselkorn ’03, Economics

Jonathan Novich ’97

Ralph Kleiner, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Beruria Novich ’99

Tzivia Moreen ’02

Nathan Finkle ’22, Computer Science

Ty Kay ’25, Computer Science

Ezra Zimble ’22

Robert Moreen ’68

Uriel Abraham ’21, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Vera B Moreen ’72

Anna Schleifer P’18 P’21

Erik Roth P’24

Marcie Roth P’24

Karl Schleifer P’18 P’21

Sara Sacks ’22

Jonathan Henberg ’04

Shira Kahn, OU-JLIC Director at the Center for Jewish Life

Jake Brzowsky ’21, School of Public and International Affairs

Miriam Stern ’22

Julie Levey ’24

Jonathan Feld ’18

Elisha David Adaui GS, Molecular Biology and Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Batya Stein ’22

Jeanne Haselkorn ’03

Rivka Mandelbaum ’23

Dov Haselkorn ’03

Joel Samuels ’81

Debra Orel, Center for Jewish Life

Orly Chesney, Center for Jewish Life

Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky ’87

Theodore Goldstein ’20, History

Michael Dardik P’22

Benjamin Schvarcz, James Madison Program

Will Garwood ’79

Sophie Goldman ’23

Yafitte Bendory P’25

Lily Kronenberg ’24

Yafitte Bendory P’25

Liana Slomka ’23

Nicole Klausner ’24

Vladimir Malkin, Plasma Physics, Astrophysical Sciences, Chabad

Judah Koslowe ’22

Arlette Cojab ’24

Adi Fuchs GS ’19

Sandra Frudit P’25

Earl Sandor P’12

Michael Friedman ’98

Myles Wolfson ’85, History

Kevin Scher ’99

Brett Zeligson ’24

Daniel Fax ’98

Allie Alperovich ’98

Michael Rishty ’98

Shai Slav ’21, Astrophysics

Eugene Major ’85

David Lipman ’22

David Abrahams ’90

Noa Zarur ’21, Computer Science

Francesca Block ’22, School of Public and International Affairs

Janice Block ’84 P’22

Gabriel Moreen ’01

Jacob Wolf, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, James Madison Program

Sandor Samuels ’74

Nicole Schreiber Agus ’89

Ethan Zlotchew, Office of Audit and Compliance

Joseph Carlstein ’18, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Jeffrey T. Apter, Visiting Research Collaborator, Molecular Biology

Adira Smirnov ’23

Alexandra Veyne ’21

David Cape ’87

Harry Cape ’15

Matthew Adler ’22

Trevon Colbert ’22, Economics

Steve Sloane ’12

Bradley Block ’84

Daniel Weiss ’83

Leonard Ritz ’10

Lev Ricanati ’25

Robbie Cape ’93, Civil Engineering and Operations Research

Sungho Park ’22

Eliana Yashgur ’19

Hans Sternberg ’95

Matthew Solis ’14

Amital Haas ’21

Brian Goldberg P’22

Caroline Siegel ’12

Sophia Goldberg ’22, Chemistry, J-Lats President

Nathan Netzer GS ’90

Abigail Kamen Holland ’89

Judith Adler P’84

Abigail Weiss ’11

Pete Hegseth ’03

Alex Seldin ’88

Percy Deift ’77, Professor at New York University

Charles Fefferman, Professor of Mathematics

Kayla Jurkevich ’25

Andy Russell ’82, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Ilay Furman ’25

Jacob Penstein ’25

Sam Abraham P’21

Osnat Abraham P’21

Gabrielle Hamburger ’22, Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Ezra Osofsky ’23

Martin Lerner ’79

Allison Berger ’92

Jeanette Kuvin Oren ’83

Hadar Halivni ’22

Lee Argush ’82, Civil Engineering

Mark Steln P’22

Van Wallach ’80

Maureen McCarthy ’81

Danielle Pintz ’17

Allison Berger ’92

Tzvi Yashgur P’19

Meredith Summa ’22

Elizabeth Forbes ’10

Cecile Pastel Levy P’22

Ronald Levine ’74

Gila Stone P’17

Steven Stone P’17

Kimberly Colchamiro P’25

Akiva Goldberger ’23

Victor Katz ’63

Jason Kessler ’03

Beatrix Bondor ’22

Page Bondor ’90

Linda Ann Seltzer ’91, Music Department

Scott Newman ’21, History

Brad Stanger ’11

Zachary Glass ’08

Jerrold Newman P’21

Nina Blachman ’03

Jason Jurkevich P’25

Stephen Miller ’97

Suzanne Braun Jurkevich P’25

Benjamin Nadon ’23

Rabbi Joshua Lief ’96

Anat Fuchs GS ’21, Quantitative and Computational Biology

Tom Salotti ’22

Tal Rubin GS ’25, Plasma Physics

Richard Huberman ’68, MD

Seth A. Akabas ’78, Economics

Samantha Borenstein ’24

Alex Ostrin ’25

Grace Masback ’21

Claire Lessler ’22

Brian Luntz ’24

David Sacks P’22

Adam Fisch ’15

Elazar Cramer ’25

Alfred Miller ’11

Mitchell Schwaber ’86

Noga Alon, Professor of Mathematics

Aryeh Kontorovich ’01, Professor of Computer Science at Ben-Gurion University

Amos Bitzan ’03, Assistant Professor of History and Center for Jewish Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Elon Packin ’15

Kaylie Cohanim GS ’25, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Sharon Kasser P’24

Assaf Bednarsh ’92

Jeremy Rosenthal ’15

Harman Grossman ’81

David Piegaro ’25

Dor Elboim GS ’03

Allegra Moadeb-Cojab P’23

Abraham Waserstein ’21

Tobias Citron ’15

Nathaniel Fintz ’06

Hannah Safford ’13 GS ’17, Engineering

Martin Cherkes, Retired Professor of Economics

Jonathan Levine ’98

Randol Schoenberg ’88

John Weissenbach ’77

David Esterlit ’21, Politics

Alex Kontorovich ’02

Belinda Alayof P’24

Theo Clement ’23

Michele Mack Liedeker ’83

Ronny Drapkin P’23

Margaret Weiss ’06

Erich Sternberg ’90

Michael Haselkorn ’62

Gitty Webb, Scharf Family Chabad House at Princeton University

Michael Cape ’59

Ruben Aknin ’17

Leora Eisenberg ’20

Kerry Brodie ’12, Near Eastern Studies

Jeffrey Mensch ’11

Daniel Mark ’03 GS ’13

Christian David Martin ’14, PhD

Marc Sternberg ’95

David Marshak ’66

Aimee Almeleh ’08

Jason Navarino ’04

Lynn Almeleh P’08

Ariel Futter ’16

Morris Almeleh P’08

Bradley Harris ’05

David Levit ’10, School of Public and International Affairs

Lee Herzog ’13

Mike Moses ’14

Catalina Trigo ’17

Arlene Loewinger P’11

Yaakov Menken ’86

Marshall Huebner ’88

Ronald Loewinger P’11

Isaiah Soval-Levine ’09

Daniel Berry ’09

Amy Friedkin P’90

Alan Fintz ’74

Judy Lichtenfeld P’90

Jared Isenstein ’14

Marc Wiznia GS ’06

Nathan Sellyn ’04, English and Creative Writing

Anita Harris ’73

Shona Adleberg P’14

Yoni Friedman ’10

Mindy Rosenfeld P’16

Julie Schwartz ’90

Howard Nuer ’07

Leon Furchtgott ’09

Matan Grinberg ’20, Physics

Neal Glick ’73, Association of University Presses

Hans Hanley ’18

Robin Rudofker, Director of Advancement, Center for Jewish Life

Brad Heller ’05, Molecular Biology

David Mitchell P’19, Professor Emeritus

Jennifer El-Fakir ’18

Ariel Green ’12

Ethan Ludmir ’11

Antonin Scalia, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions

Melani Lust P’23

Ron Arons ’78

Bradley Hames ’90

Tamir Packin ’04

Avi Naider ’94

Debra Klein P’25

Ellie Naider ’25

Libby van Beuren ’11

Sam Maron ’17

Seth Siegel P’09

Rachel Ringler P’09

Debbie Wachspress P’25

Jonathan Glass ’08

Asher Weiss ’02

Yaniv Sapir ’15

Neal Goldstein ’69, Economics

Robert Doar ’22

Michael Scharf ’64

Christian Hernández ’22, Molecular Biology

Arnold Breitbart ’81, M.D.

Erik Roll ’24

John Freeman ’24

Rachel Myers ’22

Adele Peng ’24

Sriram Hathwar ’22

Jacob Colchamiro ’25

Tal Fishman ’07, Economics PhD

Claire Middleton ’24

Thomas Howes, Research Associate James Madison Program

Dr. Karen Lewkowitz P’10

Lev Reyzin ’05

Tonya Myers P’22

Leslie Grossman Fintz ’75

Jennifer Altman P’23

Samuel Spector ’03, Politics

Joseph Fruchter ’05

Maurice Edelson P’23

Robin Block ’75

Joe Himmelfarb ’24

Kim Friedman P’11

Ci’Anee Campbell ’23, Anthropology

Sara Fridovich-Keil ’18, Electrical Engineering

Jeff Smith ’08, Chabad

Larry Giberson ’23

Natasha Benacerraf ’11

Hunter Moffett ’22, Anthropology

Matityahu Kahn, Center for Jewish Life

Yoon Suk Choo ’04

Blake Stenstrom ’24

Ronald Krauss ’74 P’10 P’11, Near Eastern Studies

Diana Savit ’73, History, Near Eastern Studies

Andrew Hama ’22

Justin Ong ’24

Douglas Schleicher ’81

Dan Schoeffler ’81

Becky Rosen ’24, Chabad, College Republicans

Aviram Shwarzbard ’22

Daniel Goldstein ’89, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Yadin Kaufmann ’80

Asher Yahalom, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Lori Kaufmann ’81, School of Public and International Affairs

Aknin Joel P’17

Jeff Vinikoor ’03

Robert Pinke P’14

Julie Botton P’23 P’25

David Botton P’23 P’25

Lauren Zlotky P’23

Jeff Zlotky ’82

Sophie Gerchikov ’23

David Kessler ’99

Matthew Franck, Associate Director, James Madison Program, Lecturer in Politics

Christian Robles ’23

Seth Akabas ’78, Economics

Austin Harmon ’22

Andrew Bein P’22

Rachel Silverman ’20, School of Public and International Affairs

Julie Pinke P’10 P’12 P’14

Charlene Borsack, Princeton Center for Theoretical Science

Elan Sykes ’18

Ben Leizman ’17

Daniel Hoffman ’17

Suzanne Israel Tufts ’77

Norman Greenberg ’17

Devorah Saffern ’20

Preston Wolin MD ’73, Center for Athletic Medicine, Associate Professor of Orthopedics at University of Illinois

Joseph Wiesel ’77

Tal Bass ’17

Beth Drapkin P’23

Polly Strauss, Astrophysical Sciences

Zachary Flamholz ’18

Rick Strauss ’85

Igor Bass P’98

Ava Milberg ’24

Elitsa Sklar ’25

Sharona Kay ’92

Eric Colchamiro P’25

Eugene Packin ’75

Antoine Kahn, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jeremy Kahn ’02, History

Marcy Kahn P’02

Avi Wolf GS ’21, Chemical & Biological Engineering

Julian Wolpert, School of Public and International Affairs 

The Glickman Family ’11

Richard Winn ’92

Irina Bass P’18

Gene Grossman, Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Robert Willig, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Affairs

Neta Bahcall, Astrophysics

Samuel Winn ’60

David Wilcove, Professor, School of Public and International Affairs / Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Anatoly Spitkovsky, Professor of Astrophysical Sciences

Lee Kaplan ’73

Wendy Gerber ’80

Harvey Rosen, Professor of Economics Emeritus

Jonathan Meer ’02

Donovan Campbell III ’01, History

Rebekah Narli P’25

Robert George H’88 P’09 P’10, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Director of James Madison Program

Bradley Schneider ’17

Larry Miller ’75, Classics

Rabbi Dovid Dubov, Chabad

Jean B. Grossman, School of Public Policy and International Affairs

Neil Stein P’03

Susan Patton ’77, P10, P14 

Clifford Stein ’87

Phil Lieberman ’07, Near Eastern Studies

Alan Blinder, Professor of Economics

Brian Stephan ’11

Rachael Baitel ’14, Department of Politics

Darren Raphael ’98

Nancy Miller ’78

Edna Bryn-Noiman P’09

Mark Dukas ’76

Edna Bryn-Noiman P’09

Genesia Perlmutter Kamen ’83

Menachem Lazar GS ’11

Benjamin Svetitsky GS ’80

Jennifer Elbaum ’01

Alexandru Ionescu, Professor of Mathematics

Pierre Gentin ’89

Sarah Brewer ’24

Trevor Schwartz ’06, Philosophy

Benjamin Gerut ’07, Philosophy

Howard Levy ’85

Adam Rosner ’07

Joseph Weinstein ’75

John Monagle ’12

Saul Newman ’89

Dirk Goldgar ’77

Jith Jayaratne ’88

Mark Baskin ’70

Marc Segan ’77

Derek Smith ’89

Ron Cohen ’77

Michael Kaplan ’77

Dave Zuckerman ’77

Jennifer Lopata ’12

Mark Oppenheimer ’77

Stuart Sender ’77

Jacob Gold ’06, Anthropology

David Goldstein ’77

Lonnie Ramati ’77

Seth Young ’90

Seth Zwillenberg ’77

Anne Seigel P’12 P’14

Laurie Rosenwasser ’77

Leigh Walzer ’81 P’06

Oren Kalus ’77

Joel Greenberg ’77

Dr Norton Rosensweig ’57

Linda Rosensweig P’93

Daniel Robinson ’90

Mark Alan Glassner ’77

Rachel Leizman ’16

Shifra Pride Raffel ’90

Robert Taub ’77, Music

Sara Beck ’76

Jonathan Weinreich ’26

Art Schankler ’77

Aaron Zimmerman ’04

Nancy Joselson ’77

lאהוד פינקלשטיי GS ’69, Chemical Engineering

Jonathan Shimshoni GS ’86, School of Public and International Affairs

Glenn Ostriker ’77, Clinical Associate Professor, NYU School of Medicine

Clifford Michaelson ’77

Linda Posner P’23

Mark Posner P’23

Victoria Kaspi GS ’93, Professor at McGill University