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USG amends budget to add allocations for Tigers in Town, sustainability

usg 3/7/2021
Andrew Somerville / The Daily Princetonian

On March 7, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) approved an amendment to their spring budget that allocates funds to the recently created Tigers in Town initiative and additional sustainability programming.

Tigers in Town is a social initiative that encourages student groups to host events in partnership with local businesses. The budget amendment reflects USG’s plan to host their own events using the initiative. These events would be open to all undergraduate students, according to USG President Christian Potter ’22.


All student groups on campus are able to hold events with Tigers in Town, either using their own club funding or requesting funding from the USG Projects Board. 

“Clubs that have sufficient enough funding internally have been reached out [to] by ODUS already to host their own Tigers in Town events,” said Lehman Montgomery ’22, chair of Campus and Community Affairs (CCA).

The amendment also reflects a new allocation to the Sustainability Committee.

For the USG budget to be amended at any point, three-quarters of the members must vote to put the budget under review. After this vote, the Senate has 30 days to approve any amendments to the budget through an additional majority vote.

In this instance, the USG budget was placed under review unanimously, and the amendments were approved unanimously as well.

The Senate also hosted a guest presenter from the OIT to discuss feedback and programming for the remainder of the semester.


Joe Karam, manager of the Network Switching and Routing office, said that OIT has set up a feedback survey for students to submit feedback about technology accessibility given the remote nature of the semester. The survey will become available in mid-March, he said.

The Senate also unanimously approved the appointment of 10 new members to the Diversity and Equity Committee.

Senate meetings — open to all members of the undergraduate student body — occur via Zoom at 8:30 p.m. ET each Sunday. The link can be found in the weekly USG newsletter, which is sent to all undergraduate students.

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