Beginning today, the student body will vote on Undergraduate Student Government (USG) candidates and referenda. The Daily Princetonian Editorial Board has endorsed Allen Liu ’22 for USG President, and here endorses both referenda. The Board urges students to vote yes to both Referendum Question 1, asking the University to designate Election Day as an official holiday, and Question 2, to divest from fossil fuels and formal associations with the fossil fuel industry.
Referendum Question 1 calls on the University “to designate Election Day as an official University holiday.” The arguments for removing University-imposed obstacles to students, faculty, and staff who can vote on Election Day are abundantly clear. In allowing classes and regular operations to proceed, the University makes it difficult for members of the Princeton community to exercise their civic duty to vote.
Furthermore, by leaving it up to professors to cancel or postpone classes, the University creates unequal access to voting and improperly forces professors to decide whether to inconvenience students by rescheduling classes.
Referendum Question 2 asks that the University divest all its endowment holdings of the fossil fuel industry and dissociate from fossil fuel companies complicit in the climate crisis. Princeton should not be in the business of promoting and legitimating these companies’ endeavors to wreak havoc on our climate. While more must be done to combat the damage of fossil fuel companies, the Board believes that divestment is an important first step.
The Board endorses both referenda, and it urges the student body to vote yes in the coming days.
144th Editorial Board
Benjamin Ball ’21
Shannon Chaffers ’22
Rachel Kennedy ’21
Madeleine Marr ’21
Jonathan Ort ’21

Elizabeth Parker ’21
Mollika Jai Singh ’24
Zachariah Sippy ’23
Emma Treadway ’22
Ivy Truong ’21
Cy Watsky ’21