Following weeks of civil unrest demanding justice and reflecting on 401 years of anti-Black racism and violence across the nation, the graduate students — past and present — of the Princeton School of Architecture (PSoA) have discussed how best to support our Black peers. In the words of Kimberly Dowdell, President of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA): “We must all leverage our positions of privilege to help our most vulnerable citizens, neighbors and colleagues strive for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” If we are to truly resist anti-Black racism in the architecture discipline, we must first recognize and address the ongoing anti-Black racism and inequality within our own PSoA community. We must not ignore the daily realities and traumas of our Black students, faculty, and staff. Our support cannot simply be a statement of detached sentiment or a pledge to “do better.” Those of us who are white and non-Black POC students, faculty, staff, and administration must stand with our Black colleagues and unequivocally condemn and resist the violence that affects them. We must examine the ways in which we actively marginalize Black voices. We must commit to taking concrete steps to build an anti-racist institution where Black students and colleagues, as vital members of our academic community, can thrive. Black lives matter.
As we consider how to confront racism in our own community, we must remind ourselves that Princeton University has reproduced and protected forms of anti-Black racism since it was founded in 1746. Thanks to the work of Princeton students and faculty such as the Black Justice League and the Princeton & Slavery Project, which has carefully studied the University's support for the institution of chattel slavery, it is now widely known that Princeton presidents, faculty, and students all used enslaved labor while they pursued scholarship in the 19th century. We must recognize that this is not some distant history, but a legacy that continues with us into the present. In a particularly glaring example, the University continued until recently to honor the legacy of Woodrow Wilson, who promoted white supremacy in the United States and around the world, and enforced segregation at Princeton well into the 20th century. We must see and acknowledge the ongoing efforts around us to undo this legacy, including the campaign that successfully removed Wilson’s name from the School of Public and International Affairs and which aims to critically transform its curriculum. If we are sincere in our efforts to address racism on this campus, we must raise up and support existing voices — particularly those of our Black neighbors and colleagues — who have already called for systemic change.
In response to demands for change from their students and alumni, the administrations of Columbia GSAPP, Harvard GSD, Pratt SoA, and Yale SoA have all issued public statements detailing commitments that their schools will make to address anti-Black racism. We join students of other architecture schools, colleagues from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, and the PSoA A.B. program (forthcoming) in voicing demands for racial justice. As members of the Princeton SoA graduate student community, past and present, we hope that the faculty and administration of the PSoA will join us in the building of an anti-racist institution, beginning with active resistance to racial violence in the Princeton community and its surroundings. We demand that the PSoA take immediate action on the following:
1. Divest from the Police
After the egregious murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Dion Johnson, and countless others at the hands of the police, it is not enough to express concern. We believe that the PSoA must use its institutional power to demand that the University end any relationship it has with the Princeton Police Department (PPD) and the New Jersey State Police (NJSP). The PSoA must recognize that the police brutality being protested across the country exists in our very own community. In 2016, African American studies professor Imani Perry was handcuffed to a table by two white officers over parking violations. Despite comprising only 5 percent of the town’s population, in 2018, Black people comprised 15.4 percent of motorists pulled over by PPD, and half of use-of-force incidents. In June of last year, Princeton's Department of Public Safety supported Bill A-4553 of the N.J. General Assembly, which granted police officers working at private universities qualified civil immunity and protection from repercussions in civil court. The way forward is clear. We recognize the Black leaders across the country who have said unequivocally, “Reform is not enough.” We acknowledge demands made by Yale Black Students for Disarmament as well as those on our own campus, including faculty and alumni and Students for Prison Education and Reform, who have called for the abolition of the carceral state and its extensions in our universities. We must follow the footsteps of Minneapolis, Denver, Seattle, Oakland, and other public schools in actively rejecting police violence.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Pressure Princeton University and President Eisgruber to cut monetary ties with the Princeton Police Department and the New Jersey State Police.
- Pressure the University to review the procedures and training of the Sworn University Police Officers at the Department of Public Safety to ensure that officers do not have access to firearms or powers of arrest.
- Pressure the University to direct Department of Public Safety funds towards mental health, de-escalation, and other specialized training instead of police training and recruitment of officers.
2. Recruit Black Students, Faculty, and Speakers
In the statement “Hearing the Call for Structural Change,” Dean of the School of Architecture Mónica Ponce de León stated that “data drives diversity.” Let’s be clear: while data may be necessary, it is only a small first step, and does not constitute “structural change” in itself. Yes, the PSoA needs to actively recruit Black students and faculty. But simply increasing numbers is inadequate and ultimately self-defeating if not accompanied by the transformative change we outline in this letter. The lack of Black voices at every level of the PSoA has reinforced inequality and helped to ensure that white faculty define the center of contemporary architecture at Princeton and beyond. Black students are consistently underrepresented in the A.B., M.Arch, and Ph.D. programs. While we recognize that the PSoA has begun to address anti-Black racism through faculty hires and lecture programming, we ask that the school continue to do more to elevate the voices of Black architects and scholars in the school and the discipline.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Undertake a cluster hire in History and Theory to recruit and retain Black, Indigenous People of the Americas and First Nations, and People of Color (BIPOC) professors with expertise in Black intellectual traditions and critical race theory, and who are keenly aware of and can speak to issues of race and racism in architecture in a direct manner.
- Engage with Renita Miller, the Graduate School’s Associate Dean for Access, Diversity, and Inclusion, to actively recruit and retain Black and BIPOC students for M.Arch and Ph.D. programs.
- Create a Visiting Practitioner Fellowship that supports the work of Black architects.
- Plan a lecture series for the upcoming year that will elevate the voices of Black architects and scholars.
- Discourage one-off engagements with BIPOC guest lecturers and speakers, and instead work to fund long-term collaborations.
3. Provide Financial and Administrative Support for Black Students

Support for Black students must take place at all levels of teaching and mentorship: it should not be taken for granted that students in an overwhelming minority will naturally feel comfortable in an institution structured upon racist ideals. Black and non-Black POC students alike need dedicated staff and mentors whom they can turn to for advice, to discuss opportunities, and to address issues of discrimination. This need is especially, though not exclusively, visible in relation to student evaluation within the school. Currently, in the M.Arch and Ph.D. programs, there is a lack of transparency in evaluation, grading, and structures of advancement. In both cases, this lack of transparency results in unequal expectations, opportunities, and work loads between students. As long as protocols for grading and advancement are not clearly delineated, room for discrimination remains. In order to restore opportunities for BIPOC students and repair trust within the school, new financial and structural commitments must be made.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Work with the Office of the Dean of the College and the Graduate School’s Associate Dean for Access, Diversity and Inclusion to establish an independent committee that will respond to issues of discrimination in personal or group interactions, as well as discrepancies in student evaluation.
- Expand opportunities for Black, as well as non-Black POC, students within the school through the creation of named scholarships and grants. Funds should actively promote the work of BIPOC students within and beyond Princeton, as well as ensure access to materials, technology, and travel expenses.
4. Center Black Voices in the Curriculum
Addressing race in the curriculum should not be limited to seminars about BIPOC histories, or studios that engage with BIPOC experiences. Rather, we must recognize that whiteness is also racial, and that subsequently all studios and seminars, even when addressing predominantly white communities and authors, must be attuned to issues of race. We must not continue making whiteness the invisible norm. This also means that Black and non-Black POC points of view cannot be cordoned off in one week of a syllabus as a “topic.” Rather, their points of view on weekly topics should be pervasive throughout. We must also recognize that the Black intellectual tradition aligns with the goals of History and Theory requirements in architecture and should be engaged with as such. In sum, we must recognize that issues of race are not topical, but rather foundational — fundamental prerequisites in our understanding of the world.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Establish a formal working group on curricula and pedagogy, to be constituted of students and faculty through an open selection process. This working group must be led by BIPOC scholars that work within PSoA and the wider Princeton community. A fund must be made available to compensate members of the working group for their time.
- Collaborate with the working group to address racism in the core sequences of each program.
- Encourage all faculty to collaborate with the working group to address racism in their courses.
- Correctly designate Design Seminars foregrounding issues of race as History and Theory courses in their own right, and award corresponding credits thusly.
5. Dismantle White Supremacy in Studio
As in the curriculum as a whole, the school must make visible how whiteness operates as an invisible norm in the vast majority of existing studio pedagogy. Architecture lags behind other disciplines in the critical examination of its own methods and the subject positions of its practitioners. A view common to architectural education is the assumption that historical, social, and political contexts can be apprehended after a brief site visit or week-long trip. This method encourages extractive, rather than collaborative, design practices and forms of knowledge production that make expertise seem one-sided. Frequently, this creates a power imbalance, often racialized, between a student-designer and their prospective client. These practices are destructive, and reinforce political and economic processes that extract wealth from BIPOC communities in New Jersey and elsewhere around the world. Studio instructors must actively interrogate their ethical commitment and accountability to the communities that they seek to engage with.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Work in consultation with the working group to establish a code of ethics for studio-based research that includes strategies and protocols for working in BIPOC communities.
- Give students and prospective users the opportunity to form collaborative, intellectual partnerships throughout the design process, including participation in studio juries.
6. Ban Inequitable Labor Practices
The use of unpaid and poorly compensated student work is a barrier to career advancement for economically disadvantaged students and therefore disproportionately affects Black and non-Black POC students. Working in the private offices of faculty members provides students with a foundation for future professional advancement, garnering them long-term professional support and helping them to build their resume. Unpaid and low-paying internships have been shown to exclude BIPOC students to a greater degree than their peers, due both to their higher levels of indebtedness and the high opportunity costs of unpaid positions.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Ban the use of unpaid labor by faculty in the school and in their private offices.
- Mandate the provision of fair and equitable pay for the above.
- Implement measures to hold faculty accountable for working students beyond the number of paid hours agreed upon, for example those stipulated by University research and Summer Federal Work Study funding.
7. Implement Anti-Racism Training
The PSoA’s historic lack of action on racial awareness has obligated BIPOC students to not only manage the challenges of architecture school, but also to expend time and energy in processing and confronting racist behavior. BIPOC students cannot be expected to take on the additional labor of educating their peers and professors about race. Instead, the school must assume responsibility for offering anti-racism training starting in the 2020–21 school year. Studies have shown that diversity and anti-bias training are ineffective when treated as one-off, isolated initiatives. If not coupled with structures of accountability and provided with ongoing institutional support, training can produce racist outcomes. To be effective, training in the PSoA must be undertaken in concert with other initiatives for addressing racism in the school and, wherever possible, be sustained over time.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Immediately establish a program of ongoing, mandatory anti-racism training for professors, staff, and current students in order to better equip them with the knowledge and vocabulary to recognize and confront racism and discrimination in the school.
8. Build Campus and Community Alliances
The PSoA should work to strengthen existing student and faculty-initiated alliances with African American Studies, African Studies, the Carl A. Fields Center, and with scholars and institutions beyond Princeton. Strategic alliances should be part of the daily fabric of learning in the PSoA, reflected in distribution requirements and studio offerings. Although partnerships with outside programs, foundations, and departments are important in bringing Black (as well as non-Black POC) voices into the school, extramural efforts should also not replace the PSoA’s own efforts in actively countering racism.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Recognize, strengthen, and seek out further alliances by devoting time and money to develop joint programming and co-teaching initiatives that center Black history and voices.
9. Ensure Accountability and Transparency
In order to uphold any long-term commitment to racial justice, the PSoA administration must provide students and faculty with a list of actionable items along with an implementation timeline, the metrics used to gauge progress, and the methods with which to monitor the school’s accountability.
We demand that the PSoA:
- Provide its community with a yearly summary of its efforts against racism and in active support of BIPOC students, faculty, and staff, outlining how those efforts will continue into the following year.
This letter has made many demands of the PSoA. At the same time, we, the PSoA student community, recognize our failure in uplifting our BIPOC peers and must hold ourselves accountable for inaction. For too long, students have remained silent when faced with a syllabus of white men or a traveling studio that reproduces racist, colonial dynamics. Many have not shown up to events that feature Black speakers, conferences on Black topics, and classes on Black history. In the recent past, numerous students have tried to start conversations about race and inequity but were ignored by their faculty, peers, or the school administration. It is impossible for the PSoA to pursue racial justice unless all members of the school community acknowledge their responsibility in such an effort. We recognize that while we are being shaped by a racist institution, we as students must actively resist its racist ideals. We, the undersigned students and alumni, pledge to actively confront racism in our discipline and in our worldviews.
In closing, let us remember the words of civil rights leader Whitney M. Young Jr., who in 1968 told the architects at the AIA National Convention in Portland: “You are not a profession that has distinguished itself by your social and civic contributions to the cause of civil rights, and I am sure this does not come to you as any shock … You are most distinguished by your thunderous silence.” We are humbled by the fact that more than five decades have passed since we first heard his indictment, yet there remains so much work to be done. We, as a community, must not be silent once again. Let us move forward with his words as a reminder of how our discipline has contributed to and sustained white supremacy. This letter is only one small effort in the continuing struggle to dismantle anti-Black racism — struggles that were happening both within and outside of Princeton long before this moment, and that will continue far into the future. We must not allow this to become a single moment in time, but rather an urgent reminder that we must struggle, actively and on a daily basis, to reject this legacy.
The undersigned graduate students and alumni of the Princeton School of Architecture.
[Follow this link to sign this letter:]
Editor’s Note: The image displayed with this piece was replaced on Sept. 18, 2020, to make clear that the artist who created the original image is not affiliated with the contents of this letter.
Current Students (84)
Tairan An, Ph.D.
Zulaikha Ayub, Ph.D.
Fiorella Barreto, M.Arch I ’21
Maeliosa Barstow, M.Arch I ’21
Carrie Bly, Ph.D.
Barrington Calvert, M.Arch I ’23
Landon Carpenter, M.Arch I ’21
Gregory Cartelli, Ph.D.
Lluis Alexandre Casanovas Blanco, Ph.D.
Cole Cataneo, M.Arch I ’21
Carson Chan, Ph.D.
Martín Cobas, Ph.D.
Jonah Coe-Scharff, M.Arch I ’21
Eleanor Collin, M.Arch I ’22
Evan Crawford, M.Arch I ’22
Melinda Denn, M.Arch I ’22
Megan Eardley, Ph.D.
Michael Faciejew, Ph.D.
Kaitlin Faherty, M.Arch II ’21
Helen Fialkowski, M.Arch I ’21
Clemens Finkelstein, Ph.D.
Chase Galis, M.Arch I ’21
Curt Gambetta, Ph.D.
Henry Gomory, Ph.D.
Victor Guan, A.B. Arch ’21
Bernardo Guerra, M.Arch I ’23
Larissa Guimarães, M.Arch I ’21
Daniel Hall, M.Arch II ’22
Jonathan Hanna, M.Arch I ’22
Jane Ilyasova, M.Arch I ’21
Zaid Kashef Alghata, M.Arch II ’21
Anna Kerr, M.Arch I ’22
Evangelos Kotsioris, Ph.D.
Ivan L. Munuera, Ph.D.
Ingrid Lao, Ph.D.
Grace Lee, M.Arch I ’22
Simon Lesina-Debiasi, M.Arch I ’21
Reese Lewis, M.Arch I ’22
Piao Liu, M.Arch II ’21
Christopher Loofs, M.Arch I ’23
Tiantian Lou, M.Arch II ’21
Elena M’Bouroukounda, M.Arch I ’21
Austin Madrigale, M.Arch I ’22
Matthew Maldonado, M.Arch I ’21
Anoushka Mariwala, A.B. Arch ’21
Jacob McCarthy, M.Arch I ’21
Elis Mendoza, Ph.D.
Ruta Misiunas, M.Arch I ’21
Jacqueline Mix, M.Arch I ’22
Christina Moushoul, M.Arch I ’22
Luis Fernando Muñoz, M.Arch I ’21
Christopher Myefski, M.Arch I ’21
MaryKate Neff, A.B. Arch ’21
Jessica Ngan, Ph.D.
Victoria Oeye, Ph.D.
Emmanuel Osorno, M.Arch II ’21
Megan Pai, A.B. Arch ’22
Chitra Parikh, A.B. Arch ’21
Rafael Pastrana, Ph.D.
Bart-Jan Polman, Ph.D.
Juan Pablo Ponce de Leon, M.Arch I ’21
Clelia Pozzi, Ph.D.
Lisa Ramsburg, M.Arch I ’22
Camila Reyes Alé, Ph.D.
Nicholas Risteen, Ph.D.
Victor Rivas, M.Arch I ’21
Clara Roth, A.B. Arch ’21
Shivani Shedde, Ph.D.
Gizem Sivri, Ph.D.
Sonia Sobrino Ralston, M.Arch I ’21
Vajdon Sohaili, Ph.D.
Kajsa Souter, A.B. Arch ’22
Kara Steele, A.B. Arch ’21
Naomi Steinhagen, M.Arch I ’21
Tatijana Stewart, A.B. Arch ’21
Taka Tachibe, M.Arch I ’22
Shane Tafares, M.Arch I ’21
Yinong Tao, M.Arch II ’21
Hannah Terry, M.Arch I ’22
Ian Ting, M.Arch I ’22
Shoshana Torn, M.Arch I ’23
Arturo Uribe, M.Arch I ’21
Minglu Wei, M.Arch II ’21
Felix Yiu, M.Arch I ’22
Alumni (188)
Mark Acciari, M.Arch I ’18
Kunlé Adeyemi, M.Arch II ’05
Catherine Ahn, M.Arch II ’20
Rachel Allen, ’91 M. Arch II ’96
Patricia Anahory, M.Arch I ’99
Sean Anderson, M.Arch II ’99
Sharif Anous, M.Arch I ’20
Pep Aviles, Ph.D. ’16
Robert Becker, M.Arch I ’18
Jasmine Benyamin, Ph.D. ’15
Aleksandr Bierig, M.Arch I ’13
Kate Bilyk, M.Arch II ’18
Willem Boning, M.Arch I ’13
Nikole Bouchard, M.Arch II ’13
Igor Bragado, M.Arch II ’16
Craig Buckley, Ph.D. ’13
Mark Campbell, Ph.D. ’14
Tei Carpenter, M.Arch I ’11
Robert Cha, M.Arch II ’11
Julia Chapman, M.Arch I ’14
maura chen, M.Arch I ’20
Steve Chen, M.Arch I ’07
Debbie Chen, M.Arch II ’16
kate chiu, M.Arch I ’18
Shin Hang Chiu, M.Arch I ’20
Stephanie Choi, M.Arch I ’07
Esther Choi, Ph.D. ’19
Gabriel Cira, M.Arch I ’14
Matthew Clarke, M.Arch I ’12
Jessica Colangelo, M.Arch II ’17
Jacob Comerci, M.Arch I ’18
John Cooper, M.Arch I ’19
Christopher Cornecelli, M.Arch I ’08
Andrew Cornelis, M.Arch I ’20
Taylor Cornelson, M.Arch II ’17
Mélanie Daguin, M.Arch I ’19
tom dannecker, M.Arch I ’01
Jason Dannenbring, M.Arch I ’06
Phillip Denny, M.Arch II ’17
Ben Denzer, A.B. Arch ’15
Ivi Diamantopoulou, M.Arch II ’13
Laura Diamond, M.Arch I ’12
Cyrus Dochow, M.Arch II ’16
Jieun Doe, M.Arch I ’19
Esra Durukan, M.Arch II ’20
Hayley Eber, M.Arch II ’04
E. Ece Emanetoğlu, M.Arch II ’19
Sarah Etaat, M.Arch II ’20
Laura Ettedgui, M.Arch I ’13
Daniela Fabricius, Ph.D. ’16
Sonia Flamberg, M.Arch I ’15
Keoni Fleming, M.Arch II ’00
Dalma Földesi, A.B. Arch ’15
Ariane Fong, A.B. Arch ’20
Laura Foxman, M.Arch I ’04
Adam Frampton, M.Arch I ’06
Griffin Frazen, M.Arch I ’13
Michaela Friedberg, M.Arch I ’18
Gabriel Fries-Briggs, M.Arch I ’14
Stephen Froese, M.Arch I ’16
Melissa Frost, M.Arch I ’16
Will Fu, M.Arch I ’20
Ignacio G. Galán, Ph.D. ’18
Maya Galbis, M.Arch I ’07
Miles Gertler, M.Arch I ’16
Razvan Ghilic-Micu, M.Arch I ’12
Michael Glassman, A.B. Arch ’15
Julianne Gola-Papa, M.Arch I ’13
Amelia Goldrup, A.B. Arch ’20
Kelsi Goss, A.B. Arch ’08
Joanna Grant, M.Arch I ’16
Emily Greene, M.Arch I ’10
Gina Greene, Ph.D. ’12
Vanessa Grossman, Ph.D. ’18
Margo Handwerker, Ph.D. ’18
Julian Harake, M.Arch I ’16
Greta Hayes, A.B. Arch ’14
Andrew Heid, M.Arch I ’06
Christopher Hillyard, M.Arch I ’09
Jessie Holechek, A.B. Arch ’15
Viviane Huelsmeier, M.Arch I ’12
Ryan Hughes, M.Arch I ’20
Joyce Hwang, M.Arch II ’03
José Ibarra, M.Arch II ’19
Alicia Imperiale, Ph.D. ’14
Akira Ishikura, M.Arch I ’19
Waqas Jawaid, A.B. Arch ’10
Ryan Luke Johns, M.Arch I ’13
Jason Kelly Johnson, M.Arch II ’01
Rennie Jones, M.Arch I ’16
Lydia Kallipoliti, Ph.D. ’13
Rami Kanafani, M.Arch II ’19
Israel Kandarian, M.Arch II ’05
Ari Kardasis, M.Arch I ’09
Amelia Kenna, A.B. Arch ’20
Katie Kennedy, A.B. Arch ’18
Janette Kim, M.Arch I ’01
Anna Knoell, M.Arch I ’13
Jaffer Kolb, M.Arch I ’13
Jaime Kwan, M.Arch I ’15
Man-Yan Lam, M.Arch I ’14
Jedy Lau, M.Arch I ’17
Stephanie Lee, A.B. Arch ’11
Charlotte Leib, A.B. Arch ’13
Chris Leong, M.Arch I ’06
Jennifer W Leung, M.Arch I ’04
Yang Li, M.Arch I ’15
Zhi Rui Lim, M.Arch I ’16
Sheila Lin, M.Arch I ’19
Jamie Lipson, M.Arch I ’20
Jeffrey Liu, A.B. Arch ’16
Bethia Liu, M.Arch I ’03
Pablo Lorenzo Eiroa, M.Arch II ’04
James Lowder, M.Arch II ’07
Shawn Mackinnon Maximo, M.Arch I ’04
Andrew MacMillan, M.Arch I ’19
Mahsa Malek, M.Arch I ’20
Steve Martinez, M.Arch I ’20
Daniel Maslan, M.Arch I ’20
Domenica Massamby, M.Arch I ’20
Lindsey May, M.Arch I ’14
Myles McCaulay, M.Arch I ’17
Mariana Medrano, A.B. Arch ’17
Anna-Maria Meister, Ph.D. ’18
Aleksandr Mergold, M.Arch II ’03
Vincent Meyer Madaus, M.Arch I ’16
Wallis Miller, Ph.D. ’99
Farzad More, M.Arch I ’02
John Morrison, M.Arch I ’09
Gina Morrow, M.Arch I ’15
Patricia Morton, Ph.D. ’96
Neda Mostafavi, M.Arch I ’11
Matthew Mullane, Ph.D. ’19
Alysa Nahmias, M.Arch I ’06
Caleb Negash, A.B. Arch ’15
Nasra Nimaga, M.Arch I ’13
Carrie Norman, M.Arch I ’10
Todd Palmer, A.B. Arch ’90
Kevin Pazik, M.Arch I ’17
Cyrus Penarroyo, M.Arch I ’13
Halcyon Person, A.B. Arch ’10
Ani Petrov, A.B. Arch ’14
Stephen Phillips, Ph.D. ’08
Daniele Profeta, M.Arch II ’16
Alexandra Quantrill, M.Arch II ’05
Enrique Ramirez, Ph.D. ’13
Anna Renken, M.Arch I ’20
Carly Richman, M.Arch I ’20
Ryan Roark, M.Arch I ’17
Bryony Roberts, M.Arch I ’11
Paul Ruppert, M.Arch II ’16
François Sabourin, M.Arch. I ’17
Troy Schaum, M.Arch II ’06
Nicolas Schmidt, A.B. Arch ’15
Jesse Seegers, M.Arch I ’13
Jared Serwer, A.B. Arch ’98
Gillian Shaffer, M.Arch II ’18
Ellen Shakespear, A.B. Arch ’13
Rosalyne Shieh, M.Arch I ’07
Paulette Singley, Ph.D. ’98
Alan Smart, M.Arch I ’06
Jonathan Solomon, M.Arch I ’03
Maxi Spina, M.Arch II ’05
Phoebe Springstubb, M.Arch I ’12
Molly Steenson, Ph.D. ’14
Alastair Stokes, M.Arch I ’14
Abby Stone, M.Arch I ’16
Matthew Storrie, M.Arch II ’12
Irene Sunwoo, Ph.D. ’13
Tyler Suomala, M.Arch I ’18
Meredith TenHoor, Ph.D. ’17
Philip Tidwell, M.Arch II ’11
Chloe Town, M.Arch I ’02
Injinash Unshin, A.B. Arch ’15
Federica Vannucchi, Ph.D. ’19
Stephanie Velazquez, A.B. Arch ’15
Zherui Wang, M.Arch II ’19
Trudy Watt, M.Arch I ’13
Kyle Weeks, M.Arch II ’20
Deborah Weintraub, A.B. Arch ’75
Antonia Weiss, M.Arch I ’13
S Wolbert, Arch Certificate ’00
Juliet Wolf, M.Arch I ’19
Sharon Xu, M.Arch I ’18
Lydia Xynogala, M.Arch II ’12
Silan Yip, M.Arch II ’10
Juyoung Yoon, M.Arch II ’14
Michael Young, M.Arch II ’05
In Solidarity (200)
Hilcia Acevedo ’23
Karina Aguilar Guerrero ’20
Lilly Agutu, YSoA
Elektra Alivisatos ’14
Amelia Ames GS
Eleanor Aversa, Assistant Professor, Berklee College of Music
Amir Azarcon
Annika Babra, University of Waterloo, School of Architecture
Michelle Badr, YSoA
Teresa Toogie Barcelo, Graduate Student, New World School of the Arts
Sam Bartusek ’20
Douglas Bastidas ’17
Adina Bauman, Columbia GSAPP
Hannah Rose Blakeley GS
Laura Blaszczak, Graduate Student, Columbia GSAPP
Alexander Bodkin
Kaylee Boyd
Alessandra Brown MPA ’18
Angela Brown GS
Vero Carchedi GS
Hannah Carnes, Graduate Student, UTSA
Elise Chagas GS
Olivia Challenger, UX Designer
Katherine Chan
Nina Chwelos
Kirsty Clark
Jon Clark
Zach Cohen, Yessios Fellow, The Ohio State University
Page Comeaux, YSoA
Liam Cook, Graduate Student, Harvard GSD
Julio Cortez
Aastha D., Alumni, Columbia GSAPP
Andrew Daley
Constanza DallaPorta GS
Quoc Dang, Graduate Student, Columbia GSAPP
Mariela de Gil
Rowanne Dean, Graduate Student Worker, University of Chicago
Kiani Del Valle, Friend
Jaime Ding, ’15
Caitlin Dippo, Graduate Student, Rhode Island School of Design
Katie Donnelly GS
Claire Donovan ’22
Paul Eberwine GS
Ian Erickson
Emily Eyestone GS
Demi Fang ’17
Jonathan Farbowitz, MA, MIAP, NYU Tisch School of the Arts
Jeannelle Fernandez, Undergraduate Student, Texas A&M University
Maria Jose Fuentes, Weitzman School of Design
Beatrice Galilee, Executive Director, The World Around
Nicole Galisatus ’18, UCLA AUD
Fabrizio Gallanti, Mellon Visiting Fellow at Princeton SoA (2014)
April Gao, M.Arch Student, MIT
Ron Garber
Maria de la E. Garcia Tejera
Jessica Gaytan ’21
Risa Gelles-Watnick ’21
Dania Ghuneim, Graduate Student, Harvard GSD
Eladio Gil
Reuven Goldberg GS
Angelline Gould
Karen Griffiths
Lindsay Griffiths GS
Austin Grogin
Adrienne Gutierrez, J.D. Candidate, Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University
Kai Gutschow, Faculty, CMU
Hannah Gwartney, M.IAPD, Kansas State University
Daniel Haidermota, M.Arch I ’22, Harvard GSD
Cienna Halls
Michael Harrington GS
Annabelle Haynes GS
Johanna Hedenskog
Talia Heiman, Independent Curator
Christine Hildreth ’16
Cecley Hill, MUP Candidate, Harvard GSD
Hugo Ho, Harvard GSD Student
Nicola Ho, Harvard GSD
Justin Holdahl, Rice University B.Arch ’08
Wynn Holmes
Robin Hartanto Honggare, Graduate Student, Columbia University
Naorin Hossain GS
Chi-Chia Hou, Graduate Student, UCLA AUD
Andrea Hunt, Designer, Future Firm
Ruby Jacobs ’23
Disha Karnad Jani GS
Kalyani Jayasankar GS
Felicia Jiang ’18
Andrew Kaneb ’21
Christina Kang
Navjit Kaur GS
Corinna Kirsch, Ph.D. Candidate, Stony Brook University
Zhanna Kitbalyan, Graduate Student, Yale
Jenny Korn ’96
Sophia Kountakis, Pratt Institute GAUD
Jesse Kovarsky
Ben Krueger ’12
Michael Kubo, Assistant Professor, Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design, University of Houston
Jarrett Lantz
Chad Leahy, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Annette Lee ’23
Rick Lewis, Architect
Joy Li
Catherine Lie
Stephanie Lloyd, Graduate Student, Harvard GSD
Isabel Lockhart GS
Alexandra Loh ’17
Emily Majors, Graduate Student, Harvard GSD
Beata Maksimowski
Celeste Mannion ’03
Hannah Mayer Baydoun, M.Arch I Graduate Student, Yale SoA
Elizabeth McGovern
Michael McGovern GS
Neil McGuire, Tutor, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland
Michael McKay ’78
Thom Medek, YSoA
Krista Mersino, Therapist
Rachel Millena
Heather Mix, Parent of Graduate Student
Isabel Morris GS
Eliza Mott ’16
Isabela Muci GS
Lauren Myefski
Sam Naylor, Post-Professional Student, Harvard GSD
Vivekananda Nemana GS
Grace Nemeckay, Architecture Student, Cincinnati
Andrew Ngure, Harvard GSD
Nabiha Nuruzzaman ’13
Adaure Nwaba ’16
Shay O’Brien GS
Mary Carole Overholt, M.E.D. Graduate Student, Yale SoA
Jiya Pandya GS
Tessa Paneth-Pollak GS
Sampath Pediredla, Alumni, Harvard GSD
Jamie Pelling GS
Iara Pimenta
Melanie Porras ’21, Architecture & Engineering Certificate
Gabrielle Printz, Ph.D. Student, Yale University
Isobel Rae
Meagan Raker ’18
Sowmya Ramanathan GS
Patricia Reed, Artist & Writer, Tutor at Design Academy Eindhoven
Marisa Remez
Jay Revell
Anayeli Rivas
Natalie Rizk, Rhode Island School of Design
Adelina Rolea ’22
Carlos Rufin ’86
Elizabeth Sandlin
Vera Savory, Columbia GSAPP
Dennis Schäfer GS
Eva Schreiner, Columbia GSAPP
Alejandro Schugurensky
Jessica Schwab GS ’18
Jordyn Seni ’14
Sabrina Sequeira ’21
Kinnari Shah ’14
Kimia Shahi GS
Tara Shi, M.Arch, UC Berkeley
Lucia Smith ’04
Aaron Smithson, Graduate Student (M.Arch I, MUP), Harvard GSD
Hannah Stamler GS
Maxwell Stephens
Lutfah Subair ’21
Emily Wei-Hsin Sun GS
Susanō Surface, Yale School of Architecture M.Arch I, 2013. Currently Curator in Seattle, WA
Ian Svilokos, YSoA
David Tasman
Emma Thompson GS
Paul Tinton, University of Westminster
Lauren Tom
Dawn Totty
Ben Totty
Steve Totty
Olga Touloumi, Assistant Professor, Bard College
Hope Trory
Lexi Tsien, Yale School of Architecture, Columbia GSAPP faculty
Christopher Ushay GS
Michael Vannice
Rosie Vasen ’21
Sam Velasquez, Graduate Student, Columbia GSAPP
Hannah Wang ’21
Peter Wang GS
Mackinley Wang-Xu, M.Arch, MIT
Courtney Ward
Mark Warren, M.Arch, Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
Clarke Wheeler GS
Chamari White-Mink ’20
Cara Wietstock
Hannah Winders, RISD M.Arch Alumni
Monica Wynn, Alumni, Pratt GAUD
Cora Yiu, Designer
Hannah Yohalem GS
Thea Zalabak ’21
Brenda (Bz) Zhang, M.Arch, University of California, Berkeley
Dora Zhao ’21
Terry Zhu ’16
Kyle Zona
Rachel Zuckerman ’17