This letter was submitted to administrators on Tuesday, June 23. The text appears verbatim below.
To the Board of Trustees, President Christopher Eisgruber, Acting Dean Mark Watson, and Deans Cecilia Rouse, Miguel Centeno, Karen McGuinness, and Elisabeth Donahue:
In this moment, we are seeing both the slow and sudden violence that robs Black people of life. This premature death is at the hands of the police, healthcare system, economy, and every system that fails to fight for justice. Activists are joining calls to fundamentally dismantle an American system of policing, incarceration, and white supremacy that oppresses Black and other peoples far beyond our borders. As individuals — Black and brown, LGBTQ+, allies, and all those in solidarity — we are hurting, and we are angry. As students, we look to our institution’s leaders for clarion calls for justice and action. Once again, we find ourselves deeply disappointed.
For many years, students and alumni of this program have decried its lack of attention to anti-Black racism in favor of multiculturalism and the many ways public policies — both domestic and international — have been built upon a foundation of white supremacy. Now, more than ever, we ask ourselves: Does this school prepare its students to dismantle racist and oppressive systems? And, is this institution truly inclusive for Black students, faculty, and staff?
Without hesitation, the answer to both questions is still a resounding no.
It is one thing for University leaders to speak in vague terms or equivocate in the face of student demands. It may be unsurprising to Black, Indigenous, and people of color at this school when we face the same discrimination, marginalization, or microaggressions here that we have encountered elsewhere in our lives. But it is unacceptable that courses and faculty at this program fail to equip students with tools to abolish racist structures and advance racial equity — the very reason many of us returned to school. We are tired of taking classes (or avoiding classes) with professors who deem these issues as unimportant or 'not rigorous.’ Moreover, we are furious that leadership, senior faculty, and classmates often dismiss or gaslight students who rightfully raise concerns.
It is no big mystery why Princeton, like many institutions, has failed to resolve its longstanding history of anti-Blackness. Although it has yet to financially atone for it, much of Princeton’s early development was funded through the labor of enslaved people. While Princeton has made strides to move past its extensive history of exclusion, several pillars of its oppressive past stubbornly remain, whether in its underlying funding, faculty composition, or wider institutional culture.
Fortunately, the solutions toward educational equity and community justice are not a mystery either. They have been created and proposed by Black organizers, scholars, and student activists long before institutions like Princeton were willing to take their ideas seriously. Below, we lay out the following seven demands, which are grounded by their efforts:
Demands of the Graduate Students of Princeton University’s Policy School | June 2020
1. Pay Reparations | Princeton University participated in and profited from slavery for over 100 years. The University’s first nine Presidents were all active or former enslavers and 16 out of 23 of Princeton’s founding trustees bought, sold, traded, or inherited enslaved people at some point in their lives. We demand that the University commit 5 percent of its $26 billion endowment to reparations for the descendants of every enslaved person owned by the University’s Presidents and Board of Trustees.
2. Divest from the Prison Industrial Complex | The prison industrial complex feeds on and maintains oppression and inequality through disproportionate criminalization, punishment, violence towards, and control of Black Americans. It is fundamentally immoral to finance an educational institution through profits from carceral industries. We demand that the University verify its divestment from all private prisons and permanently divest from all levels of the prison industrial complex.
3. Abolish the Police | American policing was designed to oppress Black communities and continues to do so today. The Princeton Police Department and Campus Public Safety have actively engaged in these injustices, impacting students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We demand Princeton University cut ties with the Princeton Police Department, defund Campus Public Safety, and shift funding to mental health, de-escalation, and other campus services that holistically deliver public safety.

4. Implement an Anti-Racist Curriculum | Our policy school fails to provide students with the tools to dismantle racism and oppression. We demand the school undergo an anti-racist transformation of the curriculum by fall 2021. We demand anti-racist frameworks be incorporated as core components to policymaking in our courses. We demand the implementation of the widely-supported DEI core requirement for all MPA students beginning fall 2021. We also demand inclusion of adjunct faculty and lecturers in the Masters Committee curriculum approval process, which is dominated by white men.
5. Increase Black faculty, lecturers, and practitioners | Less than 5 percent of faculty are Black. We demand that the School ensure 25 percent or more of its affiliated professors are Black by the end of 2022. The School must expand the number of departments it is affiliated with to include the African American Studies department. All privileges of joint appointments must be extended to AAS faculty, including positions on the Master’s Committee. The School must also name an Anti-Racist Policy Fellow each year.
6. Establish a Center for Anti-Racist Policy | The school lauds itself for partnering with 21 centers on campus to fuel cutting-edge thinking and research, yet there is no center focused on dismantling racism. We demand the school establish and generously fund a Center for Anti-Racist Policy, invite post-docs and fellows to foster collaboration among anti-racism scholars, and create a pipeline for faculty who specialize in anti-racist policymaking.
7. Increase Black Student Enrollment | We demand that Princeton strengthen pipelines and relationships to increase Black student enrollment and disaggregate admission demographics to account for the range of experiences among Black communities. Admissions must reimagine its evaluation and selection process by requiring applicants to complete a diversity statement, banning the box in applications, and eliminating the GRE requirement, a racist and sexist assessment that unreliably indicates graduate school success.
To learn more about these demands, please see the attached addendum outlining Princeton-specific background and justifications.
Simultaneously, we stand in solidarity with the undergraduate Class of 2020, which shares our calls for substantive change at this institution. Our colleagues are once again demanding the removal of the Woodrow Wilson name from our School. It is embarrassing that the School has yet to renounce the celebration of its namesake and his well-documented legacy of white supremacy. However, we want to be clear: changing the name, though long overdue, cannot and will not be enough to address the significant issues we raise here.
As a graduate student community, we want this School to prepare us for the challenges of today and tomorrow. We want to attend an institution whose funding scheme accounts for past and ongoing injustices and reside in a place where social challenges are elevated and addressed through community resources, not stifled and subdued by officers. We want to believe that engaging in anti-racism, dismantling structural racism, and achieving racial equity are things a policy school can and must teach us — not just as niche topics, but as core tenets and fundamental practices in our field of public policy. We believe that an institution that firstly focuses on the needs, aspirations, and identities of Black students and faculty is one that elevates all of us. Moreover, we believe it is our duty “to work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.”
Black Lives Matter. And it’s time this School did something concrete to prove it.
The graduate students and alumni of Princeton University’s policy school
As of June 23, 2020, more than 400 current students and alumni have cosigned this letter and list of demands. Their names and titles are affixed at the bottom of this document.
As students continue to collect signatures, an up-to-date listing of cosigners can be found here.
Malini Nambiar (she/her), PhD 2024
Anne Stickells (she/her), PhD 2023
Avery Agles (he/him), PhD 2023
Emily Miller (she/her), PhD 2023
Jared Lockwood (he/him), MPA 2023
Jonathan Barnett (he/him), MPA 2023
Julia Herrle (she/her), MPA 2023
Matt Mleczko (he/him), PhD 2023
Maya Aronoff (she/her), MPA 2023
Parker Wild (he/him), MPA 2023
Pooja V. Ramamurthi, PhD 2023
Rachel Young (she/her), PhD 2023
Andre Vasilyev (he/him), MPA 2022
André Zollinger (he/him), MPA 2022
Annie Yu (she/her), MPA 2022
Bridget Kelly (she/her), MPA 2022
Caroline Jones (she/her), MPA 2022
Chloe Cho (she/her), MPA 2022
Chris Bernedo (he/him), MPA 2022
Christine Zizzi (she/her), MPA 2022
Conor Hussey (he/him), MPA 2022
Emily Audet (they/them), MPA 2022
Guillermo Herrera (he/him), MPA 2022
Henrietta Toivanen (she/her), PhD 2022
Jack McCaslin (he/him), MPA 2022
Jeff Simon (he/him), MPA 2022
Jordan Mickens (he/him), MPA 2022
Joscelyn Garcia (she/her), MPA 2022
Karalyn Enz (she/her), Joint PhD 2022
Karlin Gatton (she/her), MPA 2022
Lea Hunter (she/her), MPA 2022
Leyatt Betre (she/her), PhD 2022
Lynne Guey (she/her), MPA 2022
Martina Bergues (she/her), MPA 2022
Nausheen Rajan (she/her), MPA 2022
Nicolas Choquette-Levy (he/him), PhD 2022
Nicole Meidter (she/her), MPA 2022
Rolando Cuevas (he/him), MPA 2022
Sean Cremin (he/him), MPA 2022
Sherrod Smith (he/him), MPA 2022
Susan Ragheb (she/her), MPA 2022
Tyler Patrick (he/him), MPA-JD 2022
Abyssinia Lissanu (she/her), MPA 2021
Alejandra Moscoso (she/her), MPA 2021
Alex Hydrean (he/him), MPA 2021
Alex Merchant (he/him), MPA 2021
Alice Chang (she/her), MPA 2021
Benjamin Chin (he/him), MPA 2021
Bettina Bergoo (she/her), MPP 2021
Christopher Crawford (he/him), PhD 2021
Clarke Wheeler (she/her), MPA 2021
Corbin Stevens (he/him), MPA 2021
Daniel Pontón (he/him), MPA 2021
Danielle Beavers (they/them), MPA 2021
Elie Amkraut (he/him), MPA 2021
Ellinore Ahlgren (she/her), MPA 2021
Emily Chen (she/her), MPA 2021
Emily Tenenbom (she/her), MPA 2021
Fatima Khan (she/her), MPA 2021
Gabriel Mekbib (he/him), MPA 2021
Galen Hunt (he/him), MPA 2021
Hélène Benveniste (she/her), PhD 2021
Iona Main (she/her), MPA 2021
Jake Gutman (he/him), MPA 2021
Jasmine Pineda (she/her), MPA 2021
Jatin Batra (he/him), MPA 2021
Joanna Anyanwu (she/her), MPA 2021
Julia Tuttle (she/her), MPA 2021
Kai Chong-Smith (he/him), MPA 2021
Kaira Bakkestad-Legare (she/her), MPA 2021
Kaitlin Roh (she/her), MPA 2021
Kevan Christensen (he/him), MPA 2021
Kevin McCarthy (he/him), MPA 2021
Lauren Clark (she/her), MPA 2021
Liza Paudel (she/her), MPA 2021
Maggie Tennis (she/her), MPA 2021
Maria Cecilia Romano (she/her), MPA 2021
Marissa Korn (she/her), MPA 2021
Mark Lee (he/him), MPA 2021
Martin Sweeney (he/him), MPA 2021
Maura Farrell (she/her), MPA 2021
Maya Hardimon (she/her), MPA 2021
Mayank Misra (he/him), MPA 2014, PhD 2021
Meghana Mungikar (she/her), MPA 2021
Molly Brune (she/her), MPA 2021
Nathan Babb (he/him), MPA 2021
Rebecca Gorin (she/her), MPA 2021
Riley Edwards (she/her), MPA 2021
Robert Francis (he/him), MPA 2021
Rocio Labrador (she/her), MPA 2021
Sofia Ramirez (she/her), MPA 2021
Sri Harshita Rallabhandi (she/her), MPA 2021
Sujata Rajpurohit (she/her), MPA 2021
Talia Gerstle (she/her), MPA 2021
Tom Taylor (he/him), MPA 2021
Wendy Gomez (she/her), MPA 2021
Yvette Ramirez (she/her), MPA 2021
Zach Zook (he/him), MPA 2021
Aaron Charlop-Powers (he/him), MPP 2020
Aditi Bhowmick (she/her), MPA 2020
Alex Villec (he/him), MPA 2020
Alex Wheatley (she/her), MPA 2020
Amy Williams Navarro (she/her), MPA 2020
Anh Ton (she/her), MPA 2020
Anne Kuhnen (she/her), MPA 2020
Artin Haghshenas (she/her), MPA 2020
Arturo Trejo (he/him), MPP 2020
Ashley Semanskee (she/her), MPA 2020
Ashwin Warrior (he/him), MPA 2020
Brody Viney (he/him), MPA 2020
Caroline Corcoran (she/her), MPA 2020
Danielle Hull (she/her), MPA 2020
Djeniffer Melo (she/her), MPA 2020
Emily Apple (she/her), MPA 2020
Emily M Andrews (she/her), MPP 2020
Emily Sullivan (she/her), MPP 2020
Erika Larsen (she/her), MPA 2020
Fionnuala Seiferth (she/her), MPA 2020
Francisco Díez (he/him), MPA 2020
Gelila Terrefe (she/her), MPP 2020
Gokul G R (he/him), MPA 2020
Henrietta Smith (she/her), MPP 2020
Hope Jackson (she/her), MPA 2020
Jasmine Haddaway (she/her), MPA 2020
Jenna Marie Saccomanno Mellor (she/her), MPA 2020
Jennifer Johnson (she/her), MPA 2020
Jordan Burns (she/her), MPA 2020
JR DeLaRosa (he/him), MPP 2020
Lindsay Wylie (she/her), MPA 2020
Luciana Debenedetti (she/her), MPA 2020
Maia Cotelo (she/her), MPA 2020
Maisie Anderson-Davis (she/her), MPP 2020
Manna Selassie (she/her), MPA 2020
Marilu Corona (she/her), MPA 2020
Mark Jahnke (he/him), MPA 2020
Matthew Cournoyer (he/him), MPA 2020
Michelle Nedashkovskaya (she/her), MPA 2020
Natalie Kotkin (she/her), MPA 2020
Nathan Eckstein (he/him), MPA 2020
Nathaniel Tek (he/him), MPP 2020
Owen Minott (he/him), MPA 2020
Peter Birke (he/him), MPA 2020
Richard André (he/him), MPP 2020
Rocio Rodarte (she/her), MPA 2020
Ryan VanZuylen (he/him), MPA 2020
Sagatom Saha (he/him), MPA 2020
Solomon Tesfaye (he/him), MPA 2020
Spogmay Ahmed (she/her), MPA 2020
Stephanie Dimos (she/her), MPA 2020
Theo Wilson (he/him), MPA 2020
Thomas Huelskoetter (he/him), MPA 2020
Toshiro Baum (he/him), MPA 2020
Tyler DeRubio (he/him), MPA 2020
Yashna Gungadurdoss (she/her), MPA 2020
Alejandro Abisambra (he/him), MPA 2019
Ana Billingsley (she/her), MPA 2019
Ana Sorrentino (she/her), MPA 2019
Andrew Moyseowicz, MPA 2019
Chris Austin (he/him), MPA 2019
Ella Lipin (she/her), MPA 2019
Erin Cheese (she/her), MPA 2019
Grace Jackson (she/her), MPA 2019
Graham Simpson (he/him), MPA 2019
Harrison Diamond Pollock (he/him), MPA 2019
Ileana Cruz (she/her), MPA 2019
Isabel DoCampo (she/her), MPA 2019
James Fromson (he/him), MPA 2019
Jennifer Faubion (she/her), MPA 2019
Jessie Durrett (she/her), MPA 2019
Joelle Gamble (she/her), MPA 2019
Julieta Cuéllar (she/her), MPA 2019
Karen Scott (she/her), MPA 2019
Lachlan Carey (he/him), MPA 2019
Leyla Mocan (she/her), MPA 2019
Lindsey Andersen (she/her), MPA 2019
Marelle Goodlander (she/her), MPA 2019
Margo Berends (she/her), MPA 2019
Mia Newman (she/her), MPA 2019
Michelle Conway (she/her), MPA 2019
Paloma Bellatin (she/her), MPA 2019
Paulina Lopez Gonzalez (she/her), MPA 2019
Ryan Kuo (he/him), MPA 2019
Sakari Merik Ishetiar (he/him), MPA 2019
Sepideh Soltaninia (she/her), MPA 2019
Somya Bajaj (she/her), MPA 2019
Tarrajna Walsh (she/her), MPA 2019
Taylor Nelson (she/her), MPA 2019
Tim Weedon (he/him), MPA 2019
Varsha Gandikota (she/her), MPA 2019
William Willoughby (he/him), MPA 2019
Zack Zappone (he/him), MPA 2019
Albert Pak (he/him), MPA 2018
Alessandra Brown (she/her), MPA 2018
Alex Brockwehl (he/him), MPA 2018
Amber Zuberi (she/her), MPA 2018
Amy Li (she/her), MPA 2018
Ana Cristina Alonso Soria (she/her), MPA 2018
Andi Zhou (he/him), MPA 2018
Anna Yalouris (she/her), MPA 2018
Aparna Ramesh (she/her), MPA 2018
Carla López Castañeda (she/her), MPA 2018
Chloe Brown (she/her), MPA 2018
Elizabeth Martin (she/her), MPA 2018
Ellen Steele (she/her), MPA 2018
Eva Ghirmai (she/her), MPA 2018
Hanna Snider (she/her), MPA 2018
Hope Wollensack (she/her), MPA 2018
Jacob Cruz (he/him), MPA 2018
James Ladi Williams (he/him), MPA 2018
Jessica Sarriot (she/her), MPA 2018
Jordan Stockdale (he/him), MPA 2018
Kalie Pierce (she/her), MPA 2018
Kristen Kruger (she/her), MPA 2018
Laura Williamson (she/her), MPA 2018
Lauryn Williams (she/her), MPA 2018
Lydia Lo (she/her), MPA 2018
Madeleine Parker (she/her), MPA 2018
Maggie Menold (she/her), MPA 2018
Mariella Castaldi (she/her), MPA 2018
Martín De Simone (he/him), MPA 2018
Rachel Rothgery (she/her), MPA 2018
Sam Kanson-Benanav (he/him), MPA 2018
Samantha Adelberg (she/her), MPA 2018
Sasha Frankel (she/her), MPA 2018
Sebi Devlin-Foltz (he/him), MPA 2018
Seleeke Flingai (he/him), MPA 2018
Sergio Venegas Marin (he/him), MPA 2018
Shehab Chowdhury (he/him), MPA 2018
Stefanie Mavronis (she/her), MPA 2018
Swetha Balachandran (she/her), MPA 2018
Tom Stanley-Becker (he/him), MPA 2018
Alexandra Parma (she/her), MPA 2017
Annie Khoa (she/her), MPA 2017
Claire Denton-Spalding (she/her), MPA 2017
Colin Gilbert (he/him), MPA 2017
Julia Reed (she/her), MPA 2017
Julianne Whittaker (she/her), MPA 2017
Ken Sofer (he/him), MPA 2017
Luna Nguyen (she/her), MPA 2017
Marian Messing (she/her), MPA 2017
Meredith Houck (she/her), MPA 2017
Milan Reed (she/her), MPA 2017
Simone Webster (she/her), MPA 2017
Stephen Lassiter (he/him), MPA 2017
Vivian Chang (she/her), MPA 2017
Chenxi (Chex) Yu (he/him), MPA 2016
Chuin Siang Bu (he/him), MPA 2016
Emily C Black (she/her), MPA 2016
Evan Goldstein (he/him), MPA 2016
Katharine Richardson (she/her), MPA 2016
Kathleen (Kate) Burke (she/her), MPA 2016
Margaret Lyford (she/her), MPA 2016
Michael Carlson (he/him), MPA 2016
Muhsin Hassan (he/him), MPA 2016
Wylie Timmerman (he/him), MPA 2016
Bishnu Thapa (he/him), MPA 2015
Caitlin Tulloch (she/her), MPA 2015
Chrissie Grover-Roybal (she/her), MPA 2015
Daniel Edelman (he/him), MPA 2015
Elias Sanchez Hanno (he/him), MPA 2015
Elizabeth Sully (she/her), PhD 2015
Gabriel Catapang (he/him), MPA 2015
Hannah Shaw (she/her), MPA 2015
Joanna Hecht (she/her), MPA 2015
Laura Zachary (she/her), MPA 2015
Lauren Dunn (she/her), MPA 2015
Matthew Holzgrafe (he/him), MPA 2015
Megan McGuire (she/her), MPA 2015
Nicholas Kelly (he/him), MPA 2015
Shasti K Conrad (she/her), MPA 2015
Adam Kent (he/him), MPA 2014
Aditi Poddar (she/her), MPA 2014
Angelo Isaac Sandoval (he/him), MPA 2014
Anna Fogel (she/her), MPA 2014
Chikara Onda (he/him), MPA 2014
Christopher Lau (he/him), MPA/JD 2014
Daphne McCurdy (she/her), MPA 2014
David Kanter (he/him), PhD 2014
Hana Scheetz Freymiller (she/her), MPA 2014
Jaime Archundia (he/him), MPA 2014
Jonathan Hayes (he/him), MPA 2014
Kat Johnson (she/her), MPA 2014
Matthew Soursourian, MPA 2014
Meghan O’Toole (she/her), MPA 2014
Nathaniel D Allen (he/him), MPA 2014
Nicolas Zarazua (he/him), MPA 2014
Peter Blair (he/him), MPA 2014
Pierina Sanchez (she/her), MPA 2014
Seth Frederick Harrison Smith, MPA 2014
Seyron Foo (he/him), MPA 2014
Tiana Thomas (she/her), MPA 2014
Betsy Hoody (she/her), MPA 2013
Cara Stepanczuk (they/them), MPA 2013
Carl Westphal (he/him), MPA 2013
Carol Duh-Leong (she/her), MD, MPP 2013
Chad Maisel, MPA 2013
Elizabeth Ramey (she/her), MPA 2013
Evan LeFlore (he/him), MPA 2013
Francisco Perez (he/him), MPA 2013
Gloria Twesigye (she/her), MPA 2013
Jane Farrington (she/her), MPA 2013
Jean Marie Callan (she/her), MPA 2013
Jennifer Bianca Browning (she/her), MPA 2013
Laura Blumenthal (she/her), MPA 2013
Laura Tatum (she/her), MPA 2013
Madhurita (Madi) Sengupta (she/her), MPA 2013
Maggie Haight (she/her), MPA 2013
Megan Corrarino (she/her), MPA 2013
Roberto Pitea (he/him), MPA 2013
Samantha Mignotte (she/her), MPA 2013
Sangita Vyas (she/her), MPA 2013
Sarah Tucker-Ray (she/her), MPA 2013
Stephanie Durden Barfield (she/her), MPA 2013
Vera Bersudskaya (she/her), MPA 2013
William Vu (he/him), MPA 2013
Caroline Walsh (she/her), MPA 2012
Catherine Moody (she/her), MPP 2012
Chrissy Burgess (she/her), MPA 2012
Christen Marie Smith (she/her), MPA 2012
Christina Henderson (she/her), MPA 2012
David Mitchell (he/him), MPA 2012
Diego Aragon (he/him), MPA 2012
Elina Sarkisova (she/her), MPA 2012
Elisabeth Cohen (she/her), MPA 2012
Heber Manuel Delgado-Medrano (he/him), MPA 2012
Jessie Sayre Duncan (she/her), MPA 2012
Julian Lee (he/him), MPA 2012
Katherine Manchester (she/her), MPA 2012
Kerry Brennan (she/her), MPA 2012
Leslie Lai (she/her), MPA 2012
Mike McCaffrey (he/him), MPA 2012
Renee Yuet-Yee Ho (she/her), MPA 2012
Vanessa Ulmer (she/her), MPA 2012
Aaron Jackson (he/him), MPA 2011
Amy Ostrander (she/her), MPA 2011
Brian Paler (he/him), MPA 2011
Caitlin Sanford (she/her), MPA 2011
Chloe Poynton (she/her), MPA 2011
Erica Frenkel (she/her), MPA 2011
Eugen Yazdani (he/him), MPA 2011
Hope Glassberg (she/her), MPA 2011
Jon Goldstein (he/him), MPP 2011
Kate Sullivan Frades (she/her), MPA 2011
Kristy Mayer-Mejia (she/her), MPA 2011
LaSean Knox-Brown (he/him), MPA 2011
Manuel Lannaud (he/him), MPP 2011
Mark Roland (he/him), MPA 2011
Matthew Petric (he/him), MPA 2011
Molly Offer-Westort (she/her), MPA 2011
Nazir Harb Michel (he/him), MPA 2011
Nick Salter (he/him), MPA 2011
Rafael Diaz (he/him), MPA 2011
Sam Polk (he/him), MPA 2011
Sarah Sieloff (she/her), MPA 2011
Sarita Vanka (she/her), MPA 2011
Sophia Cristina Peters (she/her), MPP 2011
Taina Borrero (she/her), MPA 2011
Talal Mir (he/him), MPA 2011
Tau Shanklin Roberts (he/him), MPA 2011
Thomas Scott (he/him), MPA 2011
Will Tucker-Ray (he/him), MPA 2011
Adam Petkun (he/him), MPA 2010
Anna Gregory (she/her), MPA 2010
Daniel Firger, MPA 2010
Eugene Hillsman (he/him), MPA 2010
Hannah Kim (she/her), MPA 2010
Michael Balz (he/him), MPA 2010
Michelle Kayser (she/her), MPA 2010
Ryan Kawamoto (he/him), MPA 2010
Tracey Ross (she/her), MPA 2010
Elisha Smith Arrillaga (she/her), PhD 2009
Marquis Brown (he/him), *MPA 2009
Yuh Wen Ling (she/her), MPA 2009
Choua Vue (she/her), MPA 2008
Dan Honig (he/him), *MPA 2008
Donna Estacio (she/her), MPP 2008
Flor Hunt (she/her), MPA 2008
Jessica Hembree (she/her), MPA 2008
Katherine Brouhard (she/her), MPA 2008
Midori Valdivia (she/her), MPA 2008
Sarah Sable (she/her), MPA 2008
Arielle Mir (she/her), MPA 2007
Frankki Bevins (she/her), MPA 2007
Jessica Colon (she/her), MPA 2007
Joy Sinderbrand (she/her), MPA 2007
Rose Holandez (she/her), MPA 2007
Starynee Adams (she/her), MPA 2007
Suman Sureshbabu (she/her), MPA 2007
Victoria Chang (she/her), MPA 2007
Ernesto Vilchis (he/him), MPA 2006
Jake Leos-Urbel (he/him), MPA 2006
Leo Chyi (he/him), MPA/URP 2006
Therese Lee (she/her), MPA 2006
Tressa Johnson (she/her), MPA 2006
Alicia Plerhoples (she/her), MPA 2005
Claudia Flores (she/her), MPA 2005
Sugeni Perez-Sadler (she/her), MPA 2005
Courtenay Dunn (she/her), MPA 2004
Deni Taveras (she/her), MPA 2003
Katy Backes Kozhimannil (she/her), MPA 2003
Kei Hayashi (she/her), MPA 1992
Wesley Dias, MPA 1978