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Letter to the Editor: A message from USG President Chitra Parikh ’21

Frist Campus Center, a significant hub of social activity on campus.
Frist Campus Center
Ans Nawaz / The Daily Princetonian

Dear Princeton,

On behalf of the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), we wanted to reach out and express our support during this incredibly stressful and uncertain time. Currently, USG is working to aggregate your questions and concerns and relay them to the administration; we are doing everything we can to aid in the transition to virtual instruction after spring break. We do not know anything other than the publicly released information and policies. We encourage you to continue to turn to official University channels. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns you would like to share with USG, please feel free to continue reaching out to me at


This is an unprecedented time in Princeton’s history, and we trust that the University is working to promote the safety of our community. As I mentioned earlier, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions and concerns — we are here to listen and help in any way possible.

Stay safe in the coming days, and remember that the entire Princeton community (including USG) is working tirelessly to support you by all means within our control. Good luck with midterms! 

All my best, 

Chitra Parikh ’21

USG President 

This message was sent to the student body via email on March 10, 2020.