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Sexpert: female ejaculation

“Ask the Sexpert” written on a light blue background. In the bottom left corner sits the yellow, red, and blue Peer Health Advisors logo. “The Prospect” is written on the bottom right.
The Design Team / The Daily Princetonian

Dear Sexpert,

Basically, my boyfriend and I were in bed. He was going down on me while simultaneously fingering me. When he was doing that I felt like something was going to be released, but I thought it would be squirting. My body did become a little tensed up, and my muscles felt stuck. When we finished having intercourse, he said that there was some liquid that had flown down my vagina. He thought it was cum. I have a history of white discharge, but this one seemed a lot more liquid-y. I don’t know if I came or if it was white discharge. Could you help me out?


–Fluid Detective

Dear Fluid Detective,

For people with vaginas, ejaculation is a topic that’s widely contested, infrequently researched, and often misunderstood, so I’m happy to provide you with some information. Let’s start by distinguishing between orgasm/coming and “squirting.” Orgasm can occur from oral or manual stimulation of the clitoris, as well as vaginal penetration. Although the physiological and emotional responses associated with an orgasm vary from person to person, an orgasm is associated with contraction of pelvic floor muscles (the muscles located under the uterus, bladder, and bowel), intense pleasurable sensation, and the release of hormones, endorphins, or fluid. Some people experience altered states of consciousness, changes in breathing or heart rate, or feelings of warmth. Therefore, the sensation of tense and tightened muscles you described could have been an orgasm! 

As mentioned, orgasm may or may not be accompanied by the release of fluid. A literature review published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2013 found that 10 to 54 percent of women have experienced orgasm accompanied by release of fluid. Limited research suggests that this release of fluid, sometimes known as “squirting,” has been associated with a specific area on the vaginal wall called the G-spot. The G-spot is a sensitive area behind the front wall of the vagina located between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix. When stimulated with penetration by a penis, fingers, or other object, some women report a gush of fluid rushing from the urethra. 

Recent research has found that this fluid, produced by the Skene’s gland near the urethra, is similar to that produced during penile ejaculation — minus the sperm — and may contain urine. The fluid is generally odorless and can be clear or milky. Fluid from “squirting” is not to be confused with arousal fluid or vaginal lubrication, which is a common physiological response to sexual excitement. During arousal, an increase in blood flow to the genital area pushes fluid to the surface of the vaginal walls. This lubrication allows for smoother penetration of the vagina.

Due to the broad range of sexual responses and experiences with orgasm, there is no way to tell whether the liquid you are referring to was an experience with “squirting” or vaginal lubrication. Experimenting with G-spot and clitoral stimulation by yourself or with your partner could give you a better idea of your body’s physiological responses and the range of orgasmic experiences that are possible.


For clitoral stimulation with the mouth, be sure to use a dental dam to lower risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). For stimulation of the G-spot via penile penetration, use a condom as a physical barrier method for STI and pregnancy prevention, or another form of birth control to prevent pregnancy, if you know your partner has tested negative for STIs. 

If you have further questions or want to learn more about sexual health in general, you can make an appointment online with a sexual health provider through MyUHS.


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The Sexpert is a biweekly column done in collaboration between the Prospect and the Peer Health Advisers (PHA program). For more information, you can visit the Sexpert’s website. If you are interested in submitting a question, you can email