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Alexander Road to begin estimated six month closure on Wednesday

Alexander Road

Construction work on Alexander Road last April.

Photo Credit: Jon Ort / The Daily Princetonian

This Wednesday, Nov. 6, a section of Alexander Road will close for nearly six months to replace two bridges and a culvert. The official detour route will lead to Route 1 via Faculty Road and Washington Road.

According to the University’s website, the bridges, “which are over 70 years old, are in poor condition and too narrow for today’s traffic.”


“Their replacements will be safer, wider, improve traffic flow and include shoulders and sidewalks on both sides,” the “Bridge Closure” website reads.

The construction aims to mitigate the bridge’s traffic, which today includes Tiger Transit. The lane widening is likely to accommodate the bus route that runs along Alexander Road.

According to the website, the transit schedule will remain the same during the closure, with the exception of the PTS/West, 693 Alexander, 100 Overlook/701 Carnegie, and Weekend Shopper routes. More information about the route changes can be found online

The project, which was first announced in August, is a combined effort of the New Jersey Department of Transportation and Mercer County. Planet Princeton reported that the University gave $250,000 in support of the project.

“Updates about the closure will be shared with the campus community through University communication channels starting later this fall,” Kristin Appelget, University Director of Community and Regional Affairs, wrote in an email, as previously reported by The Daily Princetonian.

These lines of communication are now available to the public and include a University website that offers an overview of the project and a listserv that will keep community members updated on the closure.


While the road is expected to reopen in April of 2020, the website acknowledges the likelihood of delays.

“Rain, snow and cold can impact the project's completion,” the website states. “Unforeseen construction issues can arise, and can lead to delays beyond the planned April 20, 2020 completion date.”

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