Fatinah Albeez ’23, Melissa Chun ’23, Jafar Howe ’23, Taryn Sebba ’23, and Sophie Singletary ’23 (listed in alphabetical order) will represent the Class of 2023 on the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Class Council. The results of the class-wide election, held last week, were sent in an email on Friday, Oct. 18.
Albeez’s platform largely centered around inclusivity, communication, and accessibility for constituents.
“It was really important to me that members of our class feel like they belong at Princeton,” Albeez said. “I want to meet as many people as possible and make their experience really memorable because these next four years are supposed to be some of the best of our lives.”
In an effort to make activities more inclusive, Albeez plans to organize more study breaks and class events that are comfortable for introverts and accessible to athletes. She also hopes to increase the availability of more cultural and ethnic foods, because she thinks “food represents home.”
Albeez said that genuine conversation was a big part of her campaign, and she hopes that will continue throughout her term on the Class Council.
“I want people to come talk to me and express what they want to see happen at Princeton,” Albeez noted. “If they want to see something change, come talk to me, and we’ll work to make their vision for the first year a reality.”
Albeez, from Troy, Mich., plans to study chemical and biological engineering.
Chun’s main goal as a Class Council representative is to give power to the students, whether that be giving them the opportunity to design their own gear, providing anonymous feedback forms, or supporting the inclusion of subcommittees to represent a wider range of students.
“Five of us can’t plan for everyone,” Chun said after explaining her support for subcommittees.
Chun has already looked into the possibility of one popular campaign promise of many candidates: dogs at study breaks.
“I did call a bunch of animal shelters nearby, and one said it was a possibility,” Chun said.
Chun is not only planning how to connect the Class of 2023 this year, but she is also hoping to extend that connection beyond graduation.
“In the future, I hope to foster unity not just for our four years of undergrad, but beyond,” Chun said. “[I hope to] create a class identity, not only while we’re here at Princeton, but [also] when we come back.”
Chun, from Oswego, N.Y., intends to concentrate in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
Sebba said that more than anything, she wants to represent and interface with the people who make up the Class of 2023.
“Above everything else, I really wanted to be a voice for people’s votes,” Sebba said. “I’m all about clear and effective communication. You can reach me almost 24/7 via social medias, my Princeton email, or you can knock on my door in Whitman. I want to be there for people.”
Sebba hopes for more study breaks centered around events and not just food, and more surveys to gauge what people want. She also plans on creating a campuswide calendar and an alumni mentorship program.
“USG has the means of connecting us with our grandparent class, and I think that is so special,” Sebba said. “I recognize that there is a lack of opportunities for freshman in ways of career-building, so I’m hoping that through a mentorship program, it can get people excited for Princeton and their future careers.”
Additionally, Sebba aims to keep her Class informed about how USG is using their resources to benefit students.
“Each class council has a budget of $75,000 to spend per year, and I think it’s so important that everyone has a voice in how that money gets spent, whether it’s on better gear or on better study breaks,” Sebba explained. “That’s a lot of money, and you all deserve to know where it’s being spent.”
Sebba, from Fort Collins, Colo., is studying in the Wilson School.
Singletary summed up her campaign in three alliterative phrases: “splendid social shindigs,” “lit Lawnparties lineup,” and “good-looking group gear.”
She plans to organize “social events that unite our grade,” particularly ones that are scheduled after sports practices have concluded for the evening. In the spring, she hopes to get a wider variety of performers for Lawnparties. She also hopes to design fresh class gear.
One issue for which Singletary plans to advocate is revolving flavors of ice cream in the dining hall.
“Ice cream is huge, and each dining hall having consistent flavors, particularly the coffee ice cream, always stocked up is great,” Singletary said.
“I was also thinking of this initiative of ‘[getting] to know the staff and faculty here at the school,’” Singletary continued. “So coffee dates, essentially, between the students and members of the faculty or staff. [It’s] a good way to bridge the student body with the adults [who] work here.”
Singletary participated in the Bridge Year Program, spending last year in Senegal. She hopes to use her international experiences to establish connections with members of the Class of 2023.
“I think we have a particularly diverse grade and student body, and I think having lived elsewhere and met new people [who] are vastly different from my own experience and background ... There is a lot to learn from them and vice versa,” Singletary said.
Singletary, from Jacksonville, Fla., is also a prospective concentrator in the Wilson School.
Howe was unavailable for interview.