The Undergraduate Student Government discussed Byron Kim’s 2019 Princeton Community Project, the Menstrual Products Project Team proposal, and updates regarding Projects Board and the Campus and Community Affairs Committee during its weekly meeting on Sunday, Mar. 3.
Princeton Art Museum Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art Mitra Abbaspour presented on Byron Kim’s 2019 Princeton Community Project. Korean-American artist Byron Kim’s ongoing portraiture work entitled “Synecdoche” incorporates paintings of skin tones of the arms of hundreds of subjects.
From Apr. 22–25, Kim will paint twenty-five subjects to capture the essence of the Princeton community. As such, Abbaspour asked that the Senate decide on one of two options: that Kim draw his subjects solely from the Undergraduate Student Government and Graduate Student Government or that Kim also include those working as staff for the University.
Abbaspour said that such an artistic undertaking will continue the legacy of efforts such as the Princeton Slavery Project and the replacement of the photo mural at Wilson College.
After conveying that a working group will be organized to deliberate on its ultimate recommendations, members of the the Senate also repeatedly affirmed their mutual agreement that Kim should paint not only students but staff members as well.
“[We should] really try to broaden the scope from not even just staff but also groundskeepers, janitors, dining hall staff, [and] administrative staff,” Class of 2020 Senator Tania Bore said.
Former U-Councilor Preeti Iyer ’20 proposed that a Menstrual Products Project Team act as a continuation of the Menstrual Products Project Task Force that led the two-week menstrual products pilot in Frist two years ago. The Menstrual Products Project Team will work to finalize implementation of University-provided menstrual products in 56 campus academic and student life bathrooms.
Former Projects Board Co-Chair Eliot Chen ’20 then updated the Senate on the proceedings of Projects Board and requested that the Senate confirm Kavya Chaturvedi ’21 and Rachel Hazan ’21 as the new Projects Board co-chairs.
The Senate voted to confirm the two as co-chairs.
Chen briefed the Senate on funding decisions from the Fall semester. With $120,254.33 requested (with a mean funding request of $858.96 and a median funding request of $420.00), Projects Board funded $42,065.68 (with a mean grant of $344.80 and a median grant of $308.00).
Campus and Community Affairs Committee Chair Caleb Visser ’20 introduced to the Senate a draft of a revised CCA charter for questions and comments. The charter now elaborates on the committee’s civic engagement functions, allows for up to three members of the Senate to sit on the committee, establishes a vice chair, and institutes a procedure of reprimand in the case of an unsatisfactory chair.
Next week, Visser will submit a final version of the charter for ratification.

Lastly, Chief Elections Manager Laura Zecca ’20 notified the Senate that the referenda timeline for the spring semester begins this week as students will work with Zecca on composing the referenda. The Senate will have to meet on Sunday, Mar. 24 to vote on the clarity and neutrality of the referenda wording.