In two emails sent via Tiger Alert on Friday, March 15, the Department of Public Safety reported an incident involving an unknown individual “peering into a window at the New Graduate College,” as well as two lewdness incidents that occurred in town.
According to the first email sent via Tiger Alert, the peering incident occurred between 8:30 p.m. and 8:50 p.m. Thursday evening. The suspect — described as “possibly male” with a “heart shaped face” and dark eyes — had not been located at the time of publication.
In the second Tiger Alert email, the Department of Public Safety wrote that the lewdness incidents, which took place within the same hour Friday evening, “do not appear to be related.”
The first incident occurred around 8 p.m. Friday evening near the intersection of Washington Road and Ivy Lane. The suspect was described as an elderly white male with long gray hair, wearing only a red bandana and no other clothing.
The second incident occurred less than an hour later at 8:45 p.m. in a residential backyard on Fitzrandolph Road. The suspect was described as male with light skin, sandy brown hair, and medium build. This suspect was also wearing no clothing.
At the time of publication, neither suspect had been found.
University spokesperson Ben Chang confirmed that the Department of Public Safety had no further details beyond the initial reports.
“The University takes such incidents seriously and will keep the community updated if there are any further developments,” Chang said. “DPS works closely with the Princeton Police Department to maintain vigilance and to alert the community of any incidents of concern.”
The most recent prior lewdness and peering incident occurred in November when a man peered into a graduate student’s window at Lawrence Apartments while exposing his genitals. Although the suspect’s composite sketch was released by the Department of Public Safety the following week, the suspect was never located.
Two other lewdness incidents have also taken place in the past year, both occurring on the towpath.
In September, a heavy-set adult white male wearing only a white surgical mask exposed himself to a woman running early in the morning. In May, a young adult white male exposed himself to a female student running on the towpath and proceeded to take pictures of her on his cell phone. No suspect has been apprehended for either incident.
Anyone with additional information about the incidents is asked to contact the Princeton Police Department at (609) 921-2100, the Department of Public Safety at (609) 258-1000, or a confidential tip line at