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Editor's Note: How women became inevitable


In anticipation of the University celebration of women’s acceptance to Princeton, this issue shows exactly how women became Tigers — from their first matriculation, to co-ed eating club memberships, to influential student body leadership. 

While female undergraduates did not join a freshman class until the fall of 1969, the first women matriculated as early as 1961, studying under a critical language program and as graduate students. Since then, the presence of women on campus has fundamentally changed what it means to be a Tiger, and how they got here deserves recognition. 


This issue seeks to highlight great strides, but also persistent challenges, for women in our community. These struggles and achievements are topics that we will continue to dissect throughout the remainder of the 142nd Managing Board.

I’m proud to say that women led, edited, photographed, and wrote this issue; the majority of our masthead editors are women. 

Please make sure to pick up a copy of the special issue print paper tomorrow for full content and exclusive re-publication of archival material. Use our hashtags #HowWomenBecameTigers and #CoeducationIsInevitable to share our work. We look forward to the ongoing conversation. 

Marcia Brown is Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Princetonian. This letter represents the views of the Editor-in-Chief only; she can be reached at