The 48th annual Communiversity ArtsFest once again gave University students and town residents a special opportunity to interact, learn about on-campus activities, and take advantage of town establishments.
On the windy afternoon of April 29, Nassau and Witherspoon streets bustled with activity as crowds gathered for the festival which boasts total attendance of approximately 40,000 people, according to the event's official website. People from all over New Jersey transformed the normally quiet streets into a celebration of food, art, and music in conjunction with the University.
The Arts Council of Princeton organized the first Communiversity event in 1970, and this year the occasion was bigger than ever before. Over 250 vendors, selling everything from recycled plastic dresses to electric bikes, were present, compared to about 225 vendors last year.
Six stages featured different musical and dance groups, from a Princeton High School classic rock group to Sympoh and eXpressions Dance Company. Other groups performed on the stage next to Nassau Hall, across from an Undergraduate Student Government table.
The lawn in front of Nassau Hall featured tabling from many student groups, such as Rocketry Club and the Princeton Chinese Students Association.
International students paraded through the lawn holding their countries’ flags, while other student volunteers had pies thrown at them to fundraise for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Wenyuan Hou ’21 said he enjoyed the interactive nature of the event.
“Communiversity lets the community know what the students here are up to. We’re not just studying in our dorms all the time; we’re doing other things,” Hou said. “It’s also important for students to see other organizations on campus somewhere other than activity fairs which are geared mainly towards freshmen.”
On Nassau Street, many familiar businesses were present, including a truck from Jammin' Crepes and a Mamoun’s Falafel stand. There were also some businesses that may be less familiar to Princeton students, like Sherri’s Crab Cakes and Try Vegan.
Even though the weather was overcast and cool for late April, vendors enjoyed the event.
“It’s good to see students out and about,” a Chez Alice vendor told The Daily Princetonian.
Every small business in Princeton was open for the afternoon. Halo Pub was packed, while Witherspoon Street was transformed into a teeming marketplace where thousands visited crafts stands and advocacy group tables.
The event was co-sponsored by local radio stations and Princeton Radiology. At both ends of Nassau and Witherspoon streets, musical groups performed everything from a capella to country.
“I like seeing faces I haven’t seen before, I enjoy talking to random people from the town,” Michael Psenka ’21 said. “It’s a cool aspect of this event that the town is open.”