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USG talks gun reform, first-year advising at weekly meeting

Following their weekend transition retreat, the Undergraduate Student Government discussed official endorsement of the We Call BS: Princeton Rally for Gun Reform, possible revision of the first-year advising system and Princeton Preview, and review of the USG budget during its weekly meeting.

U-Councilor Diego Negrón-Reichard ’18 and Campus and Community Affairs Chair Caleb Visser ’20 proposed that USG endorse the We Call BS: Princeton Rally for Gun Reform, which Princeton Advocates for Justice will conduct on Mar. 14 on Frist Lawn. According to Negrón-Reichard, the rally will be non-partisan, encompassing over 25 student groups.


Some USG members articulated concerns about USG sponsorship on such a divisive issue.

“Is the current structure open to people with different opinions coming to discuss this?” University Student Life Committee Chair Tania Bore ’20 asked.

Negrón-Reichard explained that the rally would model national dialogue and therefore focus on “sharing people’s personal stories.”

Negrón-Reichard and Visser will offer a more detailed resolution at the next USG meeting.

Moreover, Sarah Schneider ’20 submitted a proposal to supplement the existing first-year advising system. The proposed project would institute both a Career and Life Vision Workshop for first-year students and academic focus groups based on intended major.

“My idea focuses on not really fixing the advisors themselves but more on better educating and empowering the freshmen,” Schneider said.


Schneider will continue to work with USG committees on her proposal in the future.

Negrón-Reichard and Visser further announced cooperation between the CCA Committee and the Projects Board with respect to Princeton Preview. The Projects Board will consult with the CCA Chair to streamline funding requests for Preview events that showcase campus initiatives and student groups.

In addition, Treasurer Alison Shim ’19 introduced the USG spring 2018 budget. With a total available balance of $281,882.37, Shim expects that $99,111.37 will remain at the end of the semester. In particular, USG will allocate $1,000 to renovate its Frist offices to include student spaces.

The Senate voted unanimously to pass the budget.

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Senator Brad Spicher ’20, Negrón-Reichard, and Shim also presented a possible joint venture between the Treasury Committee and the Financial Reform Team to begin the first USG budget audit process. To promote transparency, Spicher suggested that USG open applications for the independent auditor position to the entire student body before choosing an auditor.

However, Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Students Thomas Dunne asserted that hiring an auditor would prove unnecessary and that the treasurer should provide regular reports to clarify the budget instead.

“Your budget is not that financially complex,” Dunne stated. “It’s not a particularly volatile financial picture.”

The Senate tabled the resolution.