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Pathological thesis

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As a senior in the visual arts department, one of my three courses this spring is VIS 326: Pathological Color, taught by Professor Welling. The course allows students to experiment with color technologies in digital photography, and in our first seminar meeting we examined works by artists such as Andy Warhol, Ben Shahn, and Corita Kent that used psychedelic color in photographic and silk screen processes.

In preparing for the first assignment, students spent time tinkering with Photoshop to experiment with the effects of altered color channels and other adjustment layers. Since my Photoshop skills leave much to be desired, I jumped on the opportunity to mess around a bit, learning the ropes as I brightened, posterized, and paint-filled to my heart’s content. In the interest of readying some mock-ups for my senior thesis exhibition poster (to be completed soon…hopefully), I took images of some works hanging in my studio and played around with them in Photoshop. Can you say, “Pathological Thesis?"

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