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Four U. engineering students receive Goldwater Scholarship

Four University students — Jonathan Lu ’18, Omkar Shende ’18, Sally Jiao ’18, and Lamia Ateshian ’18 — will be recipients of the 2017 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. These students are four of the 240 total scholarship recipients out of a field of 1,286 nominees nationwide.

The scholarship is awarded to outstanding candidates in the STEM fields who want to pursue vocations in which they can apply their skills to advancing innovations in the public interest.


The recipients of the scholarship are undergraduate sophomores and juniors who intend to have careers in engineering, the natural sciences, or mathematics. Scholarships are available for either one or two years, with a maximum of $7,500 in need-based aid given per year. The four University recipients each received one-year scholarships.The recipients can use the scholarship to cover tuition and room-and-board fees next year.

Lu ’18, who hails from Fremont, Calif., is concentrating in computer science and pursuing a certificate in statistics and machine learning. “I chose both of these just because broadly they’re very useful, and also I’m a quantitive person,” Lu said when asked about why he chose these topics of study. “I really like using math and algorithms to try to solve real world problems, and those give me the best way to do that.”

Shende, from Troy, Mich., is a mechanical and aerospace engineering major. He is currently pursuing a certificate in materials science and engineering. Furthermore, he wants to pursue a Ph.D. in applied physics or engineering, with an additional focus on aerospace propulsion. In an email to the ‘Prince’ Shende said, “after Princeton, I plan on going to a graduate program, and eventually entering academia or a Federally Funded Research and Development Center.”

Shende is a Head Copy Editor for the ‘Prince.’

Jiao, from Plainsboro, N.J., is a junior concentrating in chemical and biological engineering. She is also pursuing multiple certificates — one in applications of computing and another in applied and computational mathematics.

“I’m planning on going to graduate school and getting a Ph.D.,” Jiao said. “Afterwards, I think I'd like to stay in academia; I definitely want to continue with research.”


She added that she really enjoys teaching, and that is something she would be able to do within academia.

Ateshian, from New York City, is pursuing a major in electrical engineering as well as a certificate in engineering physics. She would like to pursue a career in academia after leaving the University.

The scholarship is provided by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program, established by the U.S. Congress in 1986. The merit-based scholarship is meant to honor the 1964 presidential candidate and Republican senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater. On its website, the foundation states its intended purpose, that “the Goldwater Foundation is helping ensure that the U.S. is producing the number of highly-qualified professionals the Nation needs in these critical fields.”

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