Dear Fellow Princetonians,
As always, I am struck by how fast time flies at Princeton. I first wrote to you as an incoming Editor-in-Chief about a year ago, and today I am writing to say goodbye.
But before I bid farewell let me first speak, for one last time, on what we do here at The Daily Princetonian, why we do it, and why it matters.
Now, more than ever, journalism matters. We need media that is credible, that strives to maintain its integrity, and that is capable of representing a multitude of voices, perspectives, and experiences that constitute the world we live in. Under this belief, here at The Daily Princetonian we pursue the truth, and only the truth; we strive to hold powerful bodies accountable for their actions, while being conscious of the power and privilege we possess as a knowledge-producing institution.
I still firmly believe that language should be used not to please the ears but to shatter the silence and pluralize voices; it is under this belief that this managing board sought to expand our coverage on groups formerly underrepresented by the campus media and hosted a panel on diversity in media industry. Above all, we hoped to further develop our voice on this campus and in this world, and to speak truth to power in that very voice in a way that is authentically our own.
The ‘Prince’ has been around for one hundred and forty years — and each board had its distinct missions and goals. Yet all boards, from our very first managing board chaired by J.F. Williamson, Class of 1877, to my own, had one goal in common — to serve the Princeton community, and I believe that future boards will also seek to achieve that goal. To our readers, and especially those of you who were actively engaged with us through your generous feedback, powerful letters, or kind words of support, thank you. Without your support and feedback our work wouldn’t have been possible. Please remain engaged by letting us hear your voice.
Finally, to my team of editors and to the 212 staff members of The Daily Princetonian, thank you so much for making the daily publication of the paper possible, and for sharing my visions and goals. I couldn’t have asked for a better team; it was a true honor to serve as your Editor-in-Chief. Thank you.
Do-Hyeong Myeong, an anthropology major from Daejeon, Republic of Korea, is the outgoing Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Princetonian. She can be reached at