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News & Notes: Ivy League schools begin releasing Class of 2021 early acceptance results

The majority of the Ivy League colleges and universities have released their early acceptance results for the Class of 2021.

Harvard College admitted 938 early applicants to the Class of 2021 among its 6,473 applicants, representing a 14.5 percent acceptance rate, a five percent increase in early applicants compared to the Class of 2020.


This represents the lowest acceptance rate for early applicants since the College reinstated its single-choice early action admissions program in 2011.

Brown University received 3,170 applications for its early admission program, the largest since the university adopted its admission program 15 years ago, and admitted 695 students, reflecting a 21.9 percent acceptance rate.

Dartmouth College had a 27.8 percent early acceptance rate, receiving 1,999 early-decision applicants, up 3.7 percent from the previous year, and accepting 555 students.

The students accepted through early-decision will make up roughly 47 percent of the incoming class, according to Lee Coffin, vice provost of enrollment and dean of admissions and financial aid.

The University of Pennsylvania had a record-breaking 6,147 applicants, a 7 percent increase from last year. 1,335 students were accepted, a 22 percent acceptance rate, versus 23.2 percent from the previous admission cycle.

Cornell University found the number of early-decision applications for the Class of 2021 increase 10 percent from last year, with 5,384 applicants. This reflects a 78 percent increase over the past decade. 25.6 percent of applicants were accepted, 23.3 percent of those students being legacy students and 13.4 percent being athletes, according to the Cornell Daily Sun.


Yale and Columbia have not reported the percentage of students accepted through the early admission program, but both universities have recorded a significant increase from last year. Yale received 5,086 applicants, a nine percent increase from the previous year, and Columbia College and the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences received 4,086 applicants, a 16 percent increase from last year.

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