There was a time when progressive-minded people had the luxury of worrying that our leaders wouldn’t fulfill their promises. Now, we fear that the campaign promises may, and likely will, become a reality. Soon, the people who have continued to support a proto-fascist demagogue may realize their mistake, but it’ll be too late. Conservatives and Republicans who declined to support Trump may come to understand that he merely represents the logical outcome of their own xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, and racism. Smug liberals may realize how truly far out of touch their self-assured assumptions were all along. Progressives might understand the damage that’s been done to the left’s credibility, having spent the final weeks of an unspeakably disturbing campaign season wasting their energy on building an opposition movement to a hypothetical Clinton administration, on the doorstep of a complete right-wing takeover.
But in the meantime, we all need to get to work.
Max Grear ’18 is a Spanish and Portuguese major from Wakefield, R.I. He can be reached at