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What's hot on campus?

Dance: BAC Dance presents SUMMER DAZE

This weekend, BAC is presenting its spring show, SUMMER DAZE. The tickets act as a 10% off coupon at Bent Spoon, and there are many promos and giveaways for this show, which has its own snapchat filter! Tickets are $8 with PUID and Student Events eligible.


Frist Performance Theatre

Thursday, April 21 - 8 p.m.

Friday, April 22 - 6:30 and 9 p.m.

Saturday, April 23 - 6:30 and 9 p.m.




Theatre: Princeton Shakespeare Company presents "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)"


Jackie Thorbjornson ’19 is directing PSC's next show! A performance of Shakespeare's works (abridged) will take place this weekend in the Wilson Black Box Theater. Tickets are $8 and available at the door.


Wilson Black Box Theater

Thursday, April 21 - 8 p.m.

Friday, April 22 - 11:59 p.m.

Saturday, April 23 - 8 p.m.

Sunday, April 24 - 2 p.m.




Poetry: Songline Slam Poetry presents "INSOMNIA"


Check out Songline's free spring shows this Thursday and Saturday! At 10:30PM in Wilson Black Box Theater, the Thursday show will feature Más Flow Dance Company and Natalie Diaz, a poet and the 2015-16 Hodder Fellow of the Lewis Center.


Wilson Black Box Theater

Thursday, April 21 and Saturday, April 23 at 10:30 p.m.



Music: Ladies' Night presents Wildcats, Tigressions and Tigerlilies

This Saturday, Princeton's all-female a Capella groups are coming together for a ladies' night performance. Hosted by Quipfire! in McCormick 101, come out to see these three powerful female groups! Tickets are available in Frist. Tickets are $8 with PUID, and proceeds go to Womanspace.


McCormick 101

Saturday, April 23 - 9 p.m.