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News & Notes: Peter Marks enters Princeton mayoral race as a second candidate

Peter Marks, a native of the town of Princeton, has announced his intent to enter into the town's mayoralelection.

According to an article on Planet Princeton, Marks has indicated that he will run in the GOP primary this June. He would be running against incumbent Mayor Liz Lempert, a Democrat.


The general election will take place in November.

As of yet, Lempert and Marks are the only two candidates in the race.

In the article on Planet Princeton, Marks said that, win or lose, he "hopes to bring important issues in town to people's attention and spark discussion among residents." Zoning, development and property taxes are the key topics that Marks has chosen to focus on and address in his campaign.

A cornerstone of Marks' campaign is his preference that Princeton stay small and not become a city.

"The borough should remain recognizably the borough, with single-family neighborhoods, grass, trees, streets no wider than they currently are," Marks noted in an interview with Planet Princeton.Marks also noted that there should be no more parking garages or increases in height allowances for buildings.

Other issues Marks raised were Princeton zoning decisions and processes, which he called selective and capricious. He noted that he believes zoning laws favor the privileged, like the University or favored businesses. Marks also said he believes that property taxes in the town burden longtime residents and have driven many longtime residents out of the town and that the town should seek long-term sustainability initiatives.


He also noted he believes the town should be solving big problems instead of "piling ordinance on ordinance on ordinance in our little town"

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