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Student wakes up in bed to find unknown hooded individual next to her

A student reported an incident of burglary and unwanted touchingSaturdaymorning, according to an email announcement from the Department of Public Safety.



The email explained that a female student woke upin her room in 1915 Hallat5:07 a.m.Saturdayand found that an unknown individual wearing a black hoodie had an arm around her. The door to her room was unlocked at the time. After the student screamed, the individual fled in an unknown direction.


University spokesperson Martin Mbugua noted that the student could not tell what gender the suspect was.


The student does not have any physical injuries, the email said. Beyond the black hoodie, she was not able to give further description.



DPS officers responded immediately and searched the area but were not online casino able to locate the suspect. The investigation is still ongoing. Mbugua explained that DPS will be handling the investigation, as it does many campus investigations, but may work with other law enforcement agencies if and when the need arises.


This incident follows alewdnessincident and twofondling incidentsthat occurred in September and October. Mbugua said there is no indication that the incidents are linked.

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