Even though the women’s water polo doesn’t play its first game for a while, junior Hannah Lapkin is already raring to go for this coming season. This week, The Daily Princetonian sat down to talk about water polo, boybands and mozzarella sticks.
Daily Princetonian: Where are you from and what’s the best part of being from there?
Hannah Lapkin: I’m from Tustin, Calif. and the best part about being from there is the sense of community… and having so many In-N-Out burger locations.
DP: What are you studying?
HL: Anthropology.
DP: What’s your favorite thing about water polo?
HL: That you can’t tell when you’re sweating.
DP: What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you or a teammate, in or out of the pool?
HL: Do I want to single out a teammate or put my own life out on the line? Oh, duh. I was skipping around the pool and waving at my team while they were all in the water and I fell and sprained my ankle and was on crutches and for months… I missed months of season. It was caught on tape in the background of the game that was being filmed so everyone got to watch it happen over and over again... And then the next year it happened again but it was in the weight room. And it was the same ankle. But that one wasn’t as embarrassing because I wasn’t skipping for joy.
DP: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
HL: This morning I woke up and thought… Well, I didn’t go to class… I woke up and thought I don’t really need to shower that badly and went back to sleep.
DP: What would you say is your spirit animal?

HL: An elephant. Because they’re always happy. I think.
DP: What would you say would be the title of a film about your life?
HL: Work Hard, Play Hard.
DP: What secret obsession do you have that most people wouldn’t know about?
HL: I’m into boybands.
DP: What’s your favorite food of all time?
HL: Peanut butter. Sushi. I have a lot of other favorites too. Oh my god, mozzarella sticks, mozzarella sticks.
DP: Would you rather not be able to eat mozzarella sticks for the rest of your life or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby?
HL: I think I would rather not be able to eat mozzarella sticks for the rest of my life because there are other foods that are like mozzarella sticks, and I don’t want to accidentally eat a baby. And I’d look really dumb playing with a muffin.
DP: And for the typical on tap question, if the four fingers and thumb on one of your hands were drink dispensers, which drinks would they dispense?
HL: Each of them a different drink?
DP: Whatever you want.
HL: One would dispense cold water, one would dispense orange soda, one would dispense an Oreo milkshake, I have two left? One would be those Lipton green teas, and for my last one let’s go with… What other things do I drink… hot chocolate! Hot chocolate.