To the Editor:
Shame on the University.
The prestigious Ivy League university’s policy, found in the “Respect for Others” subsection of “Rights, Rules, Responsibilities,” states: “As an intellectual community, [the University] attaches great value to freedom of expression and vigorous debate, but it also attaches great importance to mutual respect, and it deplores expressions of hatred directed against any individual or group.”
However, the University makes an exception to this policy for one of its own: bioethics professor Peter Singer. Singer has outraged the disability community with his horrific attitude toward people with disabilities. In his book,“Unsanctifying Human Life: Essays on Ethics,” Singer writes that some members of our species, specifically the disabled, should not be classified as human. Singer alsoargues for the morality of non-voluntary euthanasia for human beings not capable of understanding the choice between life and death, including “severely disabled infants, and people who through accident, illness, or old age have permanently lost the capacity to the issue involved.”
How can the University allow a member of its faculty to teach students that disabled peoplehave less value than those without disabilities,or that babies with severe disabilities should be killed to save on health care costs? Why does the university allow hate speech, in direct violation of its policy on respect?
Disability organizations throughout New Jersey are organizing a rally to protest Singer and the University atnoononSept. 10, on the steps of the New Jersey State House in Trenton. Please join us.
Luke KoppischDeputy DirectorAlliance Center for Independence