Valentine’s Day. It’s the holiday that isn’t really a holiday; it’s the day single people love to hate. On the flip side, it’s also an excuse to eat tons of heart-shaped chocolates and appreciate the people you love. It’s no secret that restaurants and stores love to promote Valentine’s Day. While flowers, chocolates and expensive dinner dates may be considered the “go-to” romantic splurges, there are in fact a ton of other cheap and awesome activities that can be just as fun (and tasty!). Better yet, the following things can be done with anyone, whether or not your chosen companion is a significant other, friend or family member. So, lace up your snow boots, stash the credit card and get ready for a Valentine’s Day that’s better for your wallet — and your health (no significant other necessary)!
Go skating … outdoors!
Where to go: Lake Carnegie
If Lake Carnegie is frozen, so you don't have to wait for Skate Night to get on the ice.Lace up your skates (or just put on some sneakers) and head out to Lake Carnegie for a cool and scenic date. In addition to several layers of clothing, you might also want to invest in some butt-padding to cushion your falls. Not sure when or where it is safe to skate? The flags by the Washington St. bridge will tell you: red flags mean no, white flags mean go!
Where to go: Gratitude Yoga, Yoga Stream
Working out together probably doesn’t sound like the most attractive way to spend your Valentine’s Day, and I admit, you probably don’t look your absolute best when you’re dripping sweat and red in the face. Even if you’re incredibly inflexible (like me), I can almost completely guarantee that you will leave the studio feeling relaxed, content and in a positive frame of mind. And to all the men, if you need more motivation, just repeat these two words: yoga pants.
A healthy sweet tooth
Where to go: Bent Spoon
After you’ve spent all day doing these fun activities, it’s time for a treat! While you might be inclined to think that Bent Spoon only sells indulgent treats, think again. Among their plethora of creamy gelato, chewy cookies and syrupy hot chocolate, they also offer a hidden, better-for-you gem: banana whip! Lately, banana whip, or “banana soft-serve,” has been all the rage in the healthy foodie arena. Although it looks and even tastes sweet and creamy like regular ice cream, it’s entirely made from blended frozen bananas. Throw a few chocolate chips on top or drizzle some peanut butter on top (my personal favorite), and you’ve got yourself a delicious, filling and healthy dessert.
Valentine’s Day isn’t necessarily about dining at the most expensive restaurant or about purchasing the most elaborate flower bouquets. Sometimes, the most random yet thoughtful ideas end up making the best memories. So, this weekend, grab a friend, family member or your significant other, and give one of these ideas a whirl! And don’t forget to consume some heart-shaped chocolates, just for the heck of it.