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Creator of Christian wonder-drug Thrive+ sets out to cure the munchies next*

Brooks Powell ’16 has announced that in addition to Thrive+, he will now be marketing “Satiation+,” which will help eliminate the phenomenon of insatiable hunger known as the “munchies,” experienced by students who are drunk or on other substances.

“People talk about the munchies sometimes,” Powell said. “Not quite as much as hangovers, but it comes up. So I was thinking, ‘What if I came up with something to evanesce the hunger?’ ”


In fact, he did just that. Satiation+ is described on Powell’s website as “a post-alcohol, patent-pending and groundbreaking medicinal panacea that has made vital strides in our exploration of the phenomenon of hunger and how to resolve it.”

He explained that he came to this realization one morning after drinking excessively the night before and waking up with no hangover, but rather with a funny feeling in his stomach.

Powell, who identifies as Christian, said Satiation+ has encountered mixed results from the Christian circles he participates in, some of whom claim that the product encourages people to drink and smoke more because they no longer have to worry about the munchies.

Powell said he believes Satiation+ is aligned with the principles of Christianity because God is calling on us to transform all domains, including environmental, social, political and economic domains as examples. He said that his product works on the economic domain by reducing the amount of money that students spend at venues such as Frist Campus Center and Studio 34.

On that note, however, the product has received some criticism from operators at various campus food outlets.

“We make all our profits by taking advantage of drunk students’ lack of judgment,” Studio 34 operative John Jones said. “How are we gonna sell anything when students have the clearheadedness to observe that one slice of greasy pizza costs $6?”


Powell is financing his new venture thanks to what he called an "incredible" surge in demand for Thrive+ right before New Year's Eve.

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