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(Headliners and) Headshakers

In a special edition ofHeadliners andHeadshakers, more aptly titled Headliners and Headshakers this week, we have selected a few comments that inspired vigorous head and fist shaking.

1. “Thank God, not for their ousting of course, but bringing back some humor and personality into the culture of the University. Well done my boys!”


2. “The real crime is the damage it has surely done to the two Tiger Inn officers whom the TI board ‘fired’ and whose names the NY Times unconscionably published.”

3. “Do you REALLY think the ‘male’ in the video gave (and continued to give) his 'consent' to her attacks on his person?”

4. “This chick must be a huge bitch.”

5. “This article is just part of the greater destructive trend that thinks intellectual liberality means protecting everyone from any sort of offense.”

6. “Whether or not you agree with the event itself, I think we can all agree that the Daily Prince is a dying institution.”