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News & Notes: Booker visits Tigerlabs

U.S. Senator Cory Booker visited Tigerlabs, a venture capital firm on Nassau Street, on Wednesday afternoon, according to Planet Princeton.

Booker was in Princeton to judge a startup pitch competition. The other three judges were Aaron Price, founder of the New Jersey Tech Meetup and co-founder and CEO of livecube; Mario Casabona, founder and CEO of TechLaunch; and Tara Dowdell of the Tara Dowdell Group.


The startups competing on Wednesday were wattvision, an app that provides live feedback of energy use; Gruberie, an app that allows the user to explore local cuisines; Hastke, which has created technology that captures live cell events in 3D; Fusar, which is building a new type of motorcycle helmet; and TapFactory, a company that created the app called Notefully, which manages notes.

Hastke is a spin-off company from the University. Stephanie Budijono GS ’11 is president and CEO of Hastke, and Haw Yang, professor of chemistry, is the lead inventor of the technology.

The event was co-sponsored by the New Jersey Tech Meetup and TechLaunch. It was not known as of press time what the results of the competition were.