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Lawnparties: Terrace Club

Mutual Benefit and Dopapod
Terrace Club
Mutual Benefit, 12:30 p.m.
Dopapod, 1:30 p.m.
Named “Band to Watch” by Stereogum and “Best New Music” by Pitchfork, Mutual Benefit is an amazing folk rock group to chill out to between the craziness of Lawnparties. If you're into Mutual Benefit’s acoustic magic, you’ll appreciate Dodapod, who will also be bringing its instrumental talent and sick beats to TFC. Imagine Fleet Foxes and Disco Biscuits rocking out one after another, and you’ll have a sense of the sheer awesomeness set to unfold onstage.
YouTube It: Mutual Benefit: “Golden Wake”; Dodapod: “Onionhead